Orange County Insight August 2021

Hubert Compton Recognition Ceremony

By Michelle Williams, Deputy Clerk / Senior Administrative Assistant

Hubert Compton, a pilot with over 65 years of experience and strong ties to Orange County, was surrounded by family, friends, and County staff as he was honored at a recognition ceremony on August 5, 2021, for his contributions to the community and to the Orange County Airport. Jim Crozier, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors; Russ Roberts; John Clemente; Sharon Matthews; and Ray Matthews were the evening ’ s speakers, reminiscing on how Mr. Compton influenced their lives through flight. As part of the ceremony, a bronze plaque was unveiled by Airport Manager, Buzz Jarrell. The plaque recognized the accomplishments and contributions Mr. Compton has made during his patronage to the Airport.

Page 19 | August, 2021

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