Biola Broadcaster - 1964-03

you are holding and are you sure that it reaches up to heaven? Is it provided by God or is it just some home made piece that you have put together. There is a vast number of religious institu­ tions made by man and claiming to reach to heaven. But any way apart from that prescribed by God, by that which is through faith in the Lord Je­ sus Christ, is a waste of time and ef­ fort and will rather end in being eter­ nally lost. Our Lord wants us to remember that FORGET IT If you see a tall fellow ahead of the crowd, A leader of men marching fearless and proud, And you know of a tale whose telling aloud Would cause this proud head in anguish be bowed, It's a pretty good plan to forget it. If you know of a skeleton hidden away In a closet, guarded and kept from the day In the dark, whose showing, whose sudden display Would cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay, It's a pretty good plan to forget it. If you know anything that will darken the joy Of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy, That will wipe out a smile or the least way annoy, \ Or for a person any gladness destroy. It's a pretty good plan to forget it. He destroyed the tower of Babel. To­ day the whole world is full of about 2,000 languages and dialects. Man still finds it impossible to understand each other. You know, when the Lord saves us, He gives us a different language, too. It is the language of heaven. We de­ sire to talk about the things of God. The banker may think we are fanatics and the groceryman may think we are crazy but God knows we are His. A person can be a fanatic on golf, base­ ball, football, or any other sport and

Piano Presented Biola

Miss Pearl Lansing (at piano) has provided Biola w ith a beautiful new Baldwin grand _________________ piano. _______ no one will think there is anything wrong with him. You only become a fanatic in the sight of the world if the things of God take hold of your heart and mind. The real basic human need is, however, to get ready for eternity and to be of some vital use to others, instead of just grabbing for money all the time. I have met some people who have no value at all in the church. They get into a false religion and become a flaming evangel for the non-Scriptural stand the group may take. They put all their time and talents into some­ thing which is false. That is the way it is with weeds. These cults are weeds growing up and trying to reach heaven. They defy God and His Word by writ­ ing books of their own. These things will not stand. The people who started these religions are gone. They haven’t led people to heaven. The Lord wants us to have a ladder like Jacob’s. Christ Jesus is, Himself, the ladder. He lived here on earth and then went back to glory when He had fin­ ished His perfect work of providing our salvation. Beloved, you ought to have this ladder. How it saddens my heart to find those who have no interest in God or in Christ. I trust this is not the case with you. For if it is, what will you do in the end? Make prepara­ tion for eternity by using the Lord Je­ sus Christ as your ladder to heaven. He is up there at the right hand of God waiting to save to the uttermost all those who come unto God by Him. Let Him do this for you and you will be­ come a child of God through faith in His redeeming grace. 12

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