Biola Broadcaster - 1964-03

GOD'S PERMISSIVE WILL The mind of man can never under­ stand The mystery of God's permissive will. But when the way of human wisdom fails Then faith comes forth and cries, I trust Him still. We stand perplexed before our strick­ en friends. And we are grieved to see their constant pain. Although we pray most earnestly for them Our prayers and pleadings seem to be in vain. We cannot comprehend why some who live In harmony with God's most holy will. Are called to face a deep and bitter grief While others walk in pleasant path­ ways still. We then are prone to ask the ques­ tion, Why? Just why are some required to suffer so? Again faith gives the answer clear and strong; God knows, and some day thou shalt fully know. With mighty men of faith in days of old, We too, accept God's faultless, sovereign will. And casting out all doubt and gloom and fear, With faith unfeigned we cry, I trust Him still. Faith then receives with deep abiding peace The mystery of God's permissive will. And all through life, in sunshine or in shade, We'll walk by faith and say, I trust Him still. — Albert Simpson Reitz * • * * The politician thinks of the next elec­ tion, while the true statesman thinks of the next generation.


by Or. Walter L. W ilson O NE OF THE MOST INTERESTING por­ tions of Scripture deals with God’s call of Moses who was given one of the greatest tasks any human leader has received. His joh was to guide three million people out of Egypt, across a burning desert and into a promised land. Don’t think that was any “Sun­ day school picnic.” Try to lead just one person into a place where there is no provision for him and you will have some insurmountable problems. There was a finely dressed man in Bristol, England who paraded along the street very slowly to show off his beauty. A little news boy went up to him and said, “Say Mister, do you happen to be somebody?” That ques­ tion certainly brought him down. We may think we are someone but Moses was given a human job that would cause most of us to faint, just at the very thought of it. This is no doubt why Moses cried out “Who am I?” Asking this question Moses was looking at himself. In that light he was just an ordinary person, but God didn’t choose him because of any of his superhuman abilities. God promised with assurance, “I will be with thee.” This is all any of us need. How foolish to think that while I was learning to operate on a human body my professor might say, “You go ahead and cut him open, Walter. If you cut in the wrong place, I’ll sew it up for you.” No, the promise is that His pres­ ence will actually perform the task through us. Oh beloved, if we would just realize that we can do anything through Christ who strengthens us. That is what Paul meant when he said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthened! me.” Moses had a second question. This time he asked, “Who will I tell the people of Israel has sent me? What is 13

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