Biola Broadcaster - 1964-03

parables and pearls

A USE FOR CIGARETTES A magazine recently carried, an in­ teresting story of how a tobacco com­ pany had sent packs of cigarettes to teenage boys in a certain town. It was accompanied with this explanation, “We are sending you a package of our finest product. We hope you w ill use them to your satisfaction and make them your preferred brand.” One young man to whom this was addressed was a dedicated Christian. In response he kindly returned a letter to the presi­ dent of the company. In it he wrote, “Dear Sir, I received your package of cigarettes and used them to my satis­ faction. 1 steeped them in a quart of water over night and then sprayed our bug infested rose bushes with the solu­ tion. Do you know that every bug died as a result? These cigarettes are really good poison. I’m sure I’ll get others for next spring if we have any more of these pests.’’ The Bible reminds believers that the human body is actually the temple or dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. This we are not to defile. As parents we are responsible for both the soul and bodies of the young lives with whom the Lord has entrusted us. Getting even with a person means you'll have to put yourself on his level. * * * A MISSIONARY SUGGESTS HOW TO PRAY FOR MISSIONARIES We don’t want you to pray that God w ill give us an easy path on the mis­ sion field, removing all obstacles, but rather that He w ill give us strength and grace to overcome for Him. Pray

not only that God w ill bless our serv­ ice, but also, and more importantly, that He w ill direct our activities. It is easy for time and energy to be spent on second best things. It is . possible to do missionary work simply in the energy of the flesh. Pray that the love of Christ may constrain us in every­ thing we do. Pray that, like the apostle Paul, we may be willing to deny our­ selves in order to make our lives an example to others about us. This may mean forfeiting material conveniences which, like you at home, we have taken for granted all our lives, but yet which are stumbling blocks of faith. Lastly, as a guide, when you remember to pray for us as missionaries remember Pauls words, “Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers” (Ephesians 1:15, 16). * If you don't enjoy what you have now, how could you be happier with more? THE CARPENTER'S SHOP The Carpenter’s tools, taking a-page out of the church committee’s note­ book, had a conference. Brother Ham­ mer was in the chair. The other mem­ bers informed him that he had to leave; he was too noisy. But he said, “If I am to leave this carpenter’s shop, Brother Drill must go too. He is so insignificant that he makes very little impression, but runs right through people.” Tall and pointed, Brother Drill arose and said, A ll right, but then Brother 19 * * * * *

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