storing to the individual his perpetual vibrancy of life. This is what Ponce de Leon and his companions were after as they vainly sought for the mythical Fountain of Youth.” In their fruitless endeavors their lives ended, as have all others, in physical death. Sometime ago a Russian scientist, Dr. Alexander Bogomolets,,proclaimed himself the dis coverer of a “youth serum.” By partak- ing of it one was supposed to have his life lengthened to 150 years. (Dr. Bogomolets died at the age of 64. A ll he needed was another 86 years to bring him to the desired goal and prove his serum.) The Bible rightly teaches us that “it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgmeht.” In a w ry wonderful sense, however, God has provided the means by which we may live forever. This is through the gift of eternal life which is by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to the simple promise of truth, “The wages of sin is death (both physical and eternal) but the gift of God is eter nal life!” “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of your self. it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” * * * Wrong is wrong even if everyone does it, and right is right even if no one does it. * * » PAINTING WITH A CLEAN HEART A Godly artist of several centuries ago, who was famous for his religious scenes, because of his recognized talent, had many aspiring painters come to him for instruction. Several require ments were made, however, the first of which made it impossible for one of his pupils to attempt to paint the face of Christ unless he himself were pure in heart. One who had come for teaching by the master had been re ported to have led a wild life, so in stead he was given a picture of Judas Iscariot to copy. The aspiring artist sat before the original for hours, but every time he tried to touch the canvas it was' repellant and repugnant to him. Giving up in despair he told his teach er, “Master, I can’t reproduce this. Give
Dr. A lbert Thomson Eade (le ft), author of the New Panorama Bible Study courses, confers w ith Mr. Ernest Owen, Flem ing H. Revell Company, and Biola Book Room manager M r. F. J. Weins (right). THANKFULNESS MEANS THINKFULNESS One of the real reasons for the moral collapse in our country is because peo ple don’t stop to think of that for which they have to be thankful. A farmer might say, “Look what I have grown.” Yet has he really? An agricultural col lege recently reported that in the pro duction of 100 bushels of corn on one acre of land, the following materials are necessary: 4 million pounds of wa ter, 6,800 pounds of oxygen, 5,200 pounds of carbon, 160 pounds of nitro gen, 125 pounds of potassium, 40 pounds of magnesium, 50 pounds of calcium, 2 pounds of iron and smaller amounts of iodine, zinc, copper and other lesser substances. Has the farmer produced the crop? So it is w ith every area of life. As believers let us set the example and w ith the Psalmist may we say, Bless the Lord O m y soul and all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lard O my soul and forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:1-2).
Proper thinking it one thing which no man has ever been able to tax.
Throughout the ages men h a v e sought for some magical formula which would indefinitely postpone death, re- 27
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