your own heart. Thereby you will find.the peace and the joy that passeth understanding. You will clearly see that you cannot inherit eternal life by your works. Salvation is a gift from God. The moment you trust the Saviour this priceless gift becomes yours. Some people read all the way A MOTHER'S TRUST Beneath the blood-stained lintel, I with my children stand, A messenger of evil is passing through the land. There is no other refuge from the destroyer's face, Beneath the blood-stained lintel, shall be our hiding place. The Lamb of God has suffered, our sins and griefs He bore, By faith the blood is sprinkled beneath our dwelling's door. The foe who seeks to enter doth fear that sacred sign. Tonight the blood-stained lintel shall shelter me and mine. M y Saviour, for Thy dear ones I claim Thy promise true, The Lamb is for the household, the children's Saviour, too. On earth the little children once felt God's touch divine, Beneath the blood-stained lintel, Thy blessings give to mine. Oh Thou who gave them, guard them, these wayward little feet, The wilderness before them, the ills of life to meet. My mother love is helpless, I trust them to Thy care, Beneath the blood-stained lintel, Oh keep me ever there. through the Scriptures and get noth ing from them. It is not so much going through the Bible as it is letting the Bible go through us. Do you read it confident that the blessed God of heaven is doing and will do what He says in His 'Word? Make a deter mination to read it with faith, trust and confidence.
W h e n G o d calls a m a n a fool, He must have adequate reason for doing so. We should stop to see the rea son for i t You can be sure that God’s reasons are not the same as man s, for no one is to chll another “fool.” The Lord doesn’t refer to a person’s bad in vestments, or careless driving, or lack of judgment concerning the use of cer tain foods. These are not the things God speaks' of when He calls a man a fool. His reference is always to man’s relationship with the Lord. We read in Psalm 14:1, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” This is the kind of a person to whom we can take off our hats. There are many reasons why we should honor him In the first place, he is probably a widely traveled man. He wouldn’t know there wasn’t any God if he hadn’t found out; if he hadn’t traveled around heaven seeing the stars, planets, constellations and so on. He has then come back to declare, “Friends, I have taken a trip to the starry heavens and I find there is no God.” Or it may be this person went to Jerusalem. God said He would dwell there, you re member. Or perhaps he has travelled around many countries to visit -differ ent Christians. The Lord said, “I dwell in the high and holy place with that man also that is of a humble and con trite spirit and trembles at my Word.” So, to say there is no God, a person would have to visit all the homes of all believers. That is where God said He would dwell. This man must also be very intelli gent for he would have found some way to go back to .the beginning of creation. God said He made the things that are made. He spoke and it was done. He created things out of noth ing. God, according to this man, how ever, didn’t think all these things up, they just happened to grow out of the 7
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