ground or the ocean somehow. The fool doesn t go into detail, of course, to tell us why but things just myste riously evolved. He merely affirms that there is no God; things have just hap pened. My, what a man! He knows m o r e than anybody. S u r e l y he wouldn’t guess at anything so impor tant as the reality of God when it could affect his entire destiny. What a brave man! He faces eternity boldly and bravely with his own faith that there is no God at all. Oh, yes, this man is also one who knows there is no God because he has a personal sense of justice. He knows that both the wicked man and the good man ought to have the same benefits. He has figured that it makes no dif ference how a person lives. After all, there is nothing more when this life is finished. What a person this is. He understands things the rest of us don’t begin to comprehend. When we see the flowers blooming at a certain hour of the day or night we say, “God made them that way.” But he says they just happened. When eggs hatch out in seven or 14 days, or 49 days that just happens. It would be absurd to think anybody arranged it so perfectly. The birth of animals and birds come in sevens. Of course that just happened. There wasn’t any predetermined plan to it at all. God didn’t do it because there isn’t any God. Can you see why the Lord uses the terminology He does? The atheists tell us that there is no design at all. God didn’t plan it that we should have a “separator” system in our bodies so that the food goes into our blood stream and that which is poi sonous is thrown off. That merely de veloped through centuries and cen turies. One time I read in a school book for children that the black dirt we have, from which we grow vegetables, was made by the rain falling on the rocks for millions and millions of years. The wind blew that sediment off on to the ground and made nice rich dirt. I thought that was interesting; so I wrote to five different agricultural colleges
and said, “Will you please send me your formula for making black dirt so I can sell it to the farmers?” You should have seen some of the letters I got back! They thought I was a little bit off in the upper story. They told me there was no such formula. I wrote back and said, “Surely there must be some way of grinding up rocks and making them into powder. Then by mixing them with certain kinds of wa ter, nice black dirt is produced.” Some didn’t even bother to respond and those that did assured me again that no such thing was possible. With these letters in hand I went down to the Board of Education in Kansas City and read what the text book stated. Then I read what these agriculturists said. The president of the Board got up and with shame he said, “I didn’t know we were teaching that ‘trash’ to our children.” Oh, how sad this is. The teachings of the evo lutionist or the atheist are accepted as fact while God is completely ruled out. Such a person doesn’t have to bother about details. After all he has better sense. He merely says, “There is no God,” and that is sufficient. Then there is the elephant with its long trunk and its hind legs bending forward. That just happened, you see, because all other animals’ hind legs bend backwards. There was no God who designed it and knew what a heavy weight had to be lifted up. But what is more tragic, the fool says there is no remedy for sin. He doesn’t know how it started and often will deny it even exists. When people suffer from burdens and heartaches, there is no real comfort which can be offered. The reason is that there is really no God. Man is just animal and one can expect an animal to live its own way. Nobody gets mad at the tiger because it acts like it does, or the skunk for the fact that it smells like it does. That just all happened. But my friend, in the seriousness of the hour in which we live, what are you going to do about your sins? There must be a God who deals with them. Oh yes, praise the Lord, there is. Our great Creator 8
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