Biola Broadcaster - 1964-03

in heaven sent a Saviour to redeem us. “There is one God and one media­ tor between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Let me urge you to trust in the living God; to make Him your Redeemer and

i OUR PORTION by Dr. Walter L. W ilson W h e n e v e r God says anything in the Bible it is important. But times you can be sure that it is signifi­ cant. Let me read you just such a verse, “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath” (Matthew 13:12). Have you ever wondered how that can be? How can you take away from some­ body the thing that he doesn’t have? The first place this verse occurs is in the story of the sower who had seed which fell on good ground, thorny ground, stony ground and hard ground. Let us look at it for a moment. It says, “Whosoever hath, to him shall be given.” “Hath what” and “given what” are questions we need to have answered. . Do you have a heart that loves the Word of God? If so, then you should let it increase in your life by taking more opportunity to study and read it. Then, the seed that is sown there will bring forth thirty fold, sixty fold, and an hundred fold. You will be a fruit­ ful, spiritually - rich Christian be­ cause you have a heart that loves to let the Word of God grow. Now, con­ trari-wise, if you have a hard, stony worldly heart, then God will take away any opportunity of hearing the true Word. Perhaps you move into a neighbor­ hood where nobody cares for God. The people want you to play cards and go to shows, spending Sundays on the golf course. They expect you to stay away from the Word of God. All these things are happening constantly to peo­ ple all around us. If you have a heart that loves the truth of God, He will give you more and more of it. If you have a heart that doesn’t care one thing about itj He will take away any 9


when the Lord says something five

1. The family altar will sweeten home life and enrich individual relations as nothing else can do. 2. ' The family altar will resolve all misunderstandings and relieve all friction that may enter the home. 3. The family altar will hold your boys and girls to Christian ideals and determine their lasting wel­ fare. 4. The family altar will send us forth to our tasks for the day in school, home, office, store and factory true to do our best and determined in what we do to glorify God. 5. The family altar will g i v e strength to meet bravely any disappointments and adversities as they come. 6. The family altar will make us conscious through the day of the attending presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, o u r wonderful Friend and Helper. 7. The family altar will reinforce the influence and work of the church and Sunday school. 8. The family altar will encourage other homes to make a place for Christ and His work. 9. The family altar will honor our Father above and express our gratitude for His bountiful mercy and blessing to us. 10. The family altar will give us God's instructions concerning the pathway we should take, and studying the Scriptures and pray­ ing, provide an infallible guide for all of life. your Saviour. As you do, He will give you conquering power over sin and a hunger to know more of His Word. He will make you fit to live with Him for all eternity in heaven. I trust by the grace of God you, too, will become a believer in the living God.

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