SINGLE LEG & ARM DEADLIFT Stand on one leg, dumbbell in the opposite hand as the stance leg. Keeping your pelvis facing forward, bend at the hip and move your non-stance leg up and behind you. Your stance knee will bend slightly. Point your toes towards your stance foot to help keep your hips from opening up. From this position, rise up from the hips. Repeat exercise 10 times. Repeat on both sides. Strengthens knee pain Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to keep you moving...
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LUNGE AND TWIST Step forward with one leg. Bend your front knee as you allow your back leg to bend, and lower yourself until your forward knee is about 90 degrees. Once in this position, rotate your shoulders and torso until you feel a slight stretch in the core. Push through the heel of your lead foot and extend your hip and knee to raise yourself back up. Alternate between legs for two sets of ten reps on each side. Strengthens lower body
The above exercises are designed to be performed under the instruction of a licensed physical therapist.
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