Gaebelein_Apostasy_1919-WM.pdf aµd if you .follow their hiator·:y·; you wiil. tlnd., .:that ti ts made-, :u,p .o( n•;' vivab .~nii. air.Qii(a~y. an~L revivals . an.d apostasy, --always turning finally again11t God:, against His Word, and . !!~niilit aga.iust,.t~e Ll~ht: ~lt;''.iJ 1ou .find ~.lijS: +Oi,}tt~ {;: ~ . 2 -Chro~ielea 3,6: 15 &nd 16.

t?1e lllesseng,;:~ '~f G~,(~~'d des1,facd lri• words and n1j11used hi~ precphet•, until th~ ,,fratb of the Lord an1se ali[•t bis te<n>t•,:: till _tbi,te · ·

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