2016-17 SaskEnergy Annual Report

CORPORATE HIGHLIGHTS Accomplished the lowest corporate leak rates in history — zero leaks for TransGas and 5.25 leaks per 1,000 kilometres of distribution mains for SaskEnergy.

Removed and replaced approximately 36,000 gas meters throughout the province to meet Measurement Canada compliance requirements and ensure compatibility with SaskEnergy’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Improved operational efficiency by discontinuing cashiering services in Regina and Saskatoon, utilizing customer service resources more effectively. Achieved $181,000 in new annual savings by switching approximately 21,000 customers to paperless billing. This level of switch-over was largely due to enrollments now being completed on customer service calls, made possible by an upgrade to MyAccount, and through the discontinuation of the billing option that allowed customers to receive both paper and paperless bills. Completed a four-year project to convert all Standard Practice Instructions to an industry-leading new Construction, Operating and Maintenance Procedures (COMP) program one year earlier than anticipated. Dedicated $91 million toward system integrity initiatives, reflecting SaskEnergy’s commitment to safety across its more than 85,000 kilometres of pipeline. Installed 49,879 AMI gas modules throughout the province, bringing the total to nearly 341,000 or 87 per cent of SaskEnergy distribution meters.

Achieved the lowest Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIF) and the third-lowest preventable vehicle collision (PVC) frequency rate on record.

Implemented a root cause analysis solution to systematically improve operating and reporting procedures to eliminate hazards and determine acceptable thresholds for risk. Completed six pipeline replacements and relocations at four locations to accommodate the new Regina Bypass.



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