2016-17 SaskEnergy Annual Report


Distribution and Transmission Growth As a result of continued population growth in Saskatchewan, SaskEnergy added 4,000 customers to its distribution base in 2016-17, bringing total customers to 390,886. SaskEnergy’s active customer base has grown by nearly seven per cent since 2012, requiring the addition of more than 1,700 kilometres of distribution pipeline during the same timeframe. Transmission volume increased by 22 petajoules (PJ), or 7.2 per cent, compared to the same 12-month period last year. SaskEnergy continues to make significant investments in its distribution and transmission system to connect customers in a wide range of key Saskatchewan industries, including enhanced oil recovery, power production and potash mining.

Customer Connections and Southeast Receipt Expansion Projects TransGas completed a number of projects in 2016-17 to provide additional receipt, delivery and system capacity to its customers and its provincial pipeline system. A new 28-kilometre, 114-millimetre pipeline was put into service in November 2016 to increase capacity to PCS Rocanville, creating the capacity to deliver upwards of 11 TJ of natural gas per day. In addition, a 324-millimetre pipeline was installed in December 2016 to provide additional receipt and system capacity in southeastern Saskatchewan. This new 28-kilometre pipeline loops an existing 168-millimetre pipeline and provides an additional 15 TJ of system capacity per day. TransGas also installed a 168-millimetre pipeline and meter station to provide Steel Reef Infrastructure Corp. additional receipt capacity of 8.5 TJ per day near Alameda. Construction started in mid-July and the pipeline was put into service in late August.

Saskatoon Town Border Station #5 In December 2016, the Corporation completed a fifth town border station (TBS) in Saskatoon to meet the city’s current and future natural gas needs. TBS #5 provides another natural gas feed into the west side of the city, which reduces the dependency on the other two TBS facilities that supply gas to the area and increases the capacity of district regulating stations. Through the addition of this station, SaskEnergy is able to provide a number of commercial customers, as well as new and expanded subdivisions, safe and reliable natural gas service and has ensured the infrastructure is in place to manage the 50-year growth plan for the west side of the city.



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