2016-17 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Alice Wong, ICD.D Cameco Corporation Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Ms. Wong has served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Corporate Officer at Cameco Corporation since 2011. In this role, she provides executive oversight for human resources, information technology, supply chain management, safety, health, environment, quality, regulatory and government relations, communications and corporate responsibility. Ms. Wong has a Masters of Arts degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan. She has also obtained her Institute of Corporate Directors Designation (ICD.D). She currently serves on the boards of the Canadian Nuclear Association, the Saskatchewan Mining Association and Uranium Producers of America. Ms. Wong joined SaskEnergy’s Board of Directors in 2016 and is a member of the Governance and Social Responsibility Committee.

Terry Ross Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan Board Secretary Regina, Saskatchewan

Mr. Ross has been an employee of CIC since 2005, with prior experience at Natural Resources Canada and Saskatchewan Environment, and is a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces. His academic achievements include a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Saskatchewan and a Diploma in Resource Management from the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology. He is also an avid community and fundraising volunteer with organizations including the United Way, Habitat for Humanity and Easter Seals Canada. Mr. Ross has been the Board Secretary since 2011.


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