2016-17 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Direct reports of the CEO, including all Executive members, are required by legislation to file and report the details of their compensation and benefits and any changes to the Clerk of the Saskatchewan Legislature. In addition, the Crown and Central Agencies Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan has, by policy, required Crown corporations, including SaskEnergy, to file an annual payee list that includes the total compensation of Executive members. The report is available on CIC’s website at www.cicorp.sk.ca in the Media Releases section. The Human Resources and Safety Committee and the Board annually review the details of these compensation payment reports. The Corporation does not have a formal policy or targets regarding the representation of women in Executive officer positions. SaskEnergy is committed to equality of opportunity and has taken steps to increase the representation of women in management and in non-traditional roles within the Corporation. These include: proactively identifying talented individuals for leadership training programs and encouraging them to apply for more senior roles; tracking and reporting on diversity metrics; managing succession plan process; identifying top talent and implementing formal personal development plans; and establishing mentorship relationships for women aspiring to management positions. There are three women (38 per cent) in Executive officer positions. Government by Order in Council, upon recommendation of CIC and the Board of Directors. The Board, through the Governance and Social Responsibility Committee, undertakes an analysis of the skills and experience necessary for the composite blend, and full functioning of the Board and its Committees, and makes nomination recommendations to the Minister of Crown Investments. If required by the Shareholder or directed by Government, the Governance and Social Responsibility Committee is charged with leading the process to identify, recruit and recommend qualified candidates for appointment to the Board. The Committee continues to assess the skills and competencies for the Board and its Committees to support the strategic direction and operational needs of the Corporation. The Committee performs a skills gap analysis intended to assist in achieving a balance of the skills of Board members through the recruitment/appointment of new members. The Governance and Social Responsibility Committee may meet with potential candidates to assess the overall fit with the blend of skills and experience of the current Board, time availability or any potential conflicts that could limit their full participation. The Governance and Social Responsibility Committee also makes annual recommendations to the Board regarding the appropriate structure, size and composition of the Board and its Committees, as well as the required qualifications. Board Renewal and Appointment Appointment of Directors is ultimately made by the

Board Orientation and Education The Governance and Social Responsibility Committee and the Corporation, under its Board of Directors Training Policy, has a comprehensive orientation curriculum and training sessions to ensure that new and continuing Directors develop a strong understanding of SaskEnergy’s business and current challenges, as well as the roles of the Board and Committees and the individual contributions Directors are expected to make. Board members also participate in continuing education on industry issues, financial reporting, business operations, procedural issues and ethical obligations to enhance their skills and knowledge. This year, the Board of Directors received training from management on the regulatory landscape and issues facing the enterprise, and industry, in regards to the societal implications of being in a carbon-based industry. Board members interact with management and employees attending such functions as employee service awards or touring corporate offices or business units at Board meetings. CIC also facilitates additional Director training as part of its Subsidiary Crown Directors Training Program. This year, CIC did not hold any director training sessions due to fiscal restraint measures. CIC also hosts meetings periodically throughout the year for the Chair of the Board and the Chairs of each of the Committees to discuss issues with the Chairs from other Saskatchewan Crown corporations. These meetings serve as forums to look at matters such as best practices and efficiencies, and to receive messaging from the Owner. Board and Director Performance Assessment To ensure adequate Board renewal, the Governance and Social Responsibility Committee conducts annual performance reviews for the Board, Committees, Chairs and individual Directors. It surveys the Directors to obtain feedback on the effectiveness and contribution of the Board, Committees, Chairs and individual Directors on a rotational, biannual basis. Assessments by the Committee include a skills matrix to ensure the Board possesses the requisite experience, expertise and business and operational insight for effective stewardship of the Corporation. Assessments also consider diversity and representation of women on the Board and its Committees, and proactively identifying potential female candidates. These results are summarized and reported to the Board as well as to the CIC Board. The Governance and Social Responsibility Committee may utilize the assistance of an external consultant to conduct the survey task. This year, the process consisted of a Directors survey on the performance and effectiveness of the Board and Board Chair.



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