2016-17 SaskEnergy Annual Report


Business Growth Investment

Core Growth – SaskEnergy and TransGas Revenue Growth

This measures the level of growth in the Corporation’s revenues from its core business operations. The SaskEnergy portion of this measure is calculated based on the number of new customers times the average delivery revenue per customer. The TransGas portion of this measure is the incremental revenue growth in the core business. The total incremental revenue is reported as a percentage of the core revenue in the previous year.

Diversified Non-Core Business

Return on Non-Core Assets

This metric tracks the return earned by the Corporation from its investment in non-core assets. The return is defined as earnings before interest and taxes. The non-core asset component includes all of Bayhurst, BESCO & BGSI fixed assets plus gas inventory. Inventory value was included given that the returns generated by Bayhurst gas marketing & BGSI are inventory dependent. This measure tracks the capital invested in non-core business activities by SaskEnergy and its subsidiaries as well as third parties.

Total Capital Investment

Percentage of Third-Party Capital Investment

The percentage that is third-party capital has also been identified.

This was a new metric in 2016 that reflects the Corporation’s efforts related to increasing natural gas supply through associated gas capture. It is reported as a percentage of 2014 Saskatchewan Sourced Volumes as a base year to mitigate the impact of declining Saskatchewan natural gas production. The result is reported using actual natural gas volumes as provided by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Economy.

Associated Gas Capture as a Percentage of 2014 Saskatchewan Sourced Volumes


Physical Safety

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate

This measure is a composite of two separate metrics:

• Lost Time Frequency Rate – measures the frequency in which lost time injuries have occurred. A standard duration is used to normalize the results so that company comparisons can be made despite differing workforce sizes. A lost time injury is an injury that resulted in lost work time following the day of the injury. • Medical Aid Frequency Rate – records the frequency of injuries that require medical attention. Results are normalized so that company comparisons can be made despite differing workforce sizes. A medical aid injury is an injury that requires medical attention, but no working time is lost beyond the day of the injury.

Employee Engagement

Employee Survey

SaskEnergy measures employee engagement through employee surveys. Prior to 2015, the Corporation used the Hay Survey administered by the Hay Group and results were benchmarked to the “Hay norm” as defined by a five-year rolling average of Hay Survey respondents. In 2015, the use of the Hay Survey tool was discontinued for cost savings purposes although employees continue to be surveyed annually to gauge employee engagement levels.


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