Truly Blessed

That realization led him to start treatment and attend UMADAOP meetings for addiction recovery. “When I first went, it was a struggle, because I had to change everything about me.” But he said those meetings also helped him live one day at a time and alleviate any unnecessary pressure or stress on himself. Over time, the journey became easier. Richardson surrounded himself with groups of friends who would encourage him in his new life decisions. He credits this support system for helping him achieve much of his success during the earliest part of his journey. “With that support, I really was able to dedicate myself to this. I made it my life. Like someone getting up and going to work every day, I got up and went to those meetings.” By continuing in these habits, Richardson has achieved five years of sobriety. “I feel truly blessed.The main thing that initially kept me going was accepting I couldn’t do it by myself.” He’s now working to be a pillar of support for others dealing with some of the same struggles that once troubled him. He’s a mentor at his brother’s Re-entry Alumni Association.The program is geared toward young men who have recently been in prison or are dealing with drug addiction. “I like helping the younger guys and trying to guide them away from taking the path I took. I was 50-something years old and had just decided to have a good life. I’m hoping I can say something to them that will help them catch on. But it’s still up to them.”Throughout his mentorships, Richardson participates in group sessions that discuss tensions within family relationships and ways to work through individual traumas and triggers. “I know how much my life changed for the better once I made that decision for myself. Now I want to help others make the same for themselves.”

“I like helping the younger guys and trying to guide them away from taking the path I took.”

-Benny Richardson

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