Oh!Mino - December 2020

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Last but not least, you can always go back for seconds of protein. There’s no reason to leave a buffet hungry! A lot of health-conscious people might resent the excess food, but personally, buffets make me feel thankful. There are people in the same county I live in who can’t afford to put food on the table for Christmas. That’s why my family’s third holiday tradition is giving back to the community. Hunger is an issue close to my heart, so we spend a lot of holidays assembling meal kits for the local food bank. Oh!nutrition (the parent company of Oh!mino), also sponsors the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and the Long Beach Rescue Mission. Volunteering in person might not be possible this year because of COVID-19, but I already have big plans for 2021. In addition to battling food insecurity, I’m hoping to get involved in funding youth sports. I have a real heart for high school athletics. They keep kids active, teach life skills, and bring communities together. Right now, I’m on the hunt for school booster clubs and teams that Oh!mino can partner with. The kids will get a discount code for our product, and I’ll donate a portion of our sales to the program every month. I’m looking nationwide, so if a school or team near you could use some help, please let me know! You can reach me at Calendly.com/MMaynard/ Professional-Calls.

friends looked forward to getting the packages in the mail every year because to this day, when we go over to friends’ houses during the holidays, we can pick out the girls’ ornaments on their trees. Christmas wouldn’t be right without my daughters creating ornaments assembly-line style, but that’s not our only family tradition. I also look forward to cooking up filet mignon on the barbecue every year for Christmas dinner. We don’t do a lot of red meat in my family, but when we spring for steaks, we do it up right — and it’s a real holiday treat. For a lot of my fitness buddies, food is the biggest challenge of the Christmas season. Between the holiday parties and office buffets, it can be tough to keep your nutritional priorities straight. Over the years, I’ve come up with a hack for surviving these situations. When I’m faced with a buffet, the first thing I do is walk around the whole table before I even pick up a plate. During that circuit I ask myself, what do I really want to eat? That’s the first thing that goes on my plate, even if it’s a dessert. Next, I add a protein. If my first choice is a protein, I double up. Finally, I pick two sides that complement the rest of the meal. It’s a win-win: I get four things that I want to eat, and my plate doesn’t make me feel guilty. The key to this strategy is portion size. If you try it, make sure that you’re leaving space on the plate between your servings. If all you can see of the plate is its edges, you’re eating too much!

Here in California, it’s hard to tell what season it is just by looking out the window. We’re lucky enough to have sun, surf, and palm trees year- round! That said, inside our house, the Christmas tree is a dead giveaway that the holidays are here. Every Christmas tree is beautiful to look at, but ours is special because it’s covered in ornaments that my daughters have made. Back when the girls were little, we started a family tradition of creating homemade ornaments every year and sending them out to our friends and family. Sometimes there were bells, other times they were hand-painted balls or salt dough cutouts. I’m not going to lie, the ornaments started out really ugly. 2-year-old and 4-year-old girls aren’t the world’s best artists! Still, it’s the thought that counts, right? Even if the ornaments were horrible, my daughters were pretty cute making them, and they were always so proud of their work. To make it official, we even created little labels for each ornament that said “Handcrafted Maynard Ornaments.” I know our family and

Can you help Oh!mino give back next year? If you know a high school booster club or athletics team that needs funds, reach out to us at Calendly.com/ MMaynard/Professional-Calls. Oh!mino could be their next sponsor!

Happy holidays!


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“For those first two months I was really straining. I always had sore muscles and was managing my sore knee,” Sharon says. “It was really hard dragging myself out to run, but once I started taking Oh!mino, for the rest of the training, I just started flying without any pain and without problems.” Sharon took our stimulant-free Muscle Synthesis Activator before every run, and when her distance crept over 8 miles, she added another dose afterward. “It would just completely help recover my muscles,” she says. “It was miraculous, actually.” After using Oh!mino, Sharon’s joint pain disappeared. She was shocked at the difference but thrilled that she’d be able to run the half-marathon without worrying about her knee. Recalling the day of the race, she says, “It was just amazing how much energy I had.” Today, Sharon still uses Oh!mino when she runs, and her husband is also hooked on the product. He’s in his 60s but has no problem running or lifting

Every October, Sharon Coletta’s church gathers a group of runners together for a half-marathon race to raise money for a local food bank. For years, Sharon watched the group train and dreamed about joining them. But she was out of shape and busy with her accounting job. Finally, in 2018, she made it work! She signed up for the team and started training that May. Immediately, Sharon hit roadblocks. The training was exhausting, and she struggled with joint pain in her knee that made it hard to run long distances. At 54, she figured that was “just the way it was” — until Michael’s wife introduced her to Oh!mino.

Sharon at the 5-Mile point

weights. Sharon says using our powders and capsules keeps them both “strong and fit" and that the results are almost impossible to believe. “I didn’t really believe it myself at first. I’m a vitamin taker, and normally it’s a gradual thing. You take vitamins and they improve your nutrition in a gradual, holistic way. It’s like food — you eat well and eventually you start feeling better. But the results of these amino acids are pretty immediate,” she says. We’re thrilled that Oh!mino gave Sharon the boost she needed to raise money for a great cause. It doesn't get much better than that!

Sharon training with the Cottonwood Runners for the race




Buying the wrong shoes can have a profound impact on your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. If you don’t get the right support, it can affect the health of several areas throughout your legs. Adversely, buying good shoes can help you maintain better health through these same areas. It just comes down to finding the “right” shoes. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to shoe-buying because everyone has unique feet and shoe needs. It’s not as easy as just stopping by the shoe store, finding a pair you like, and calling it a day. You need shoes for specific activities that give you ample support and comfort. Here are four steps you can take on your journey to find that perfect fit. Consult your PT. Your physical therapist is a gait specialist. They understand walking and how your motor systems can work effectively and efficiently. They can tell you what you need to know before you buy a pair, and they can work with you to get the most out of those shoes. Consult a shoe expert. If there is one reason to visit a brick-and- mortar sporting or shoe store, it’s to consult with a shoe expert. You want to work with someone who will actually help you find the right shoes and isn’t just interested in making a quick sale.

Take your time. It’s okay if you don’t immediately find the right shoes. You may have to visit more than one store before you find the ideal pair. You may be tempted to buy a pair of off-the-shelf orthotics in order to call it a day, but even that can be problematic. Consider custom orthotics. Buyer beware: There are a lot of bad orthotics out there. Once again, consult with your PT to determine your best next steps when it comes to shoe orthotics. You don’t want to spend money on something that won’t help in the short term and long term. Your PT can help ensure you’re getting the proper foot and complete leg support you need.


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immediate family and work your way out. Give everyone a task: Someone does the grocery shopping. Someone is in charge of a main course dish. Another is on side-dish duty. Others get dessert. Don't forget to assign a clean- up crew. Save yourself for the tasks you REALLY want to do. Take frequent breaks. When you have a lot going on, frequent 5–10 minute minibreaks can go a long way in easing the mental pressure. Don’t hesitate to take brain breaks throughout the day. Go for a quick walk around the building or neighborhood. Read a chapter of your book. Play a quick game on your phone. Say no to the kitchen. When your time is precious, why spend a lot of time in the kitchen? While some find cooking a joy, others find it burdensome. If you’re in the latter group, it’s okay to go the boxed or prepared meal route when time is short. Boxed meals can still be

The holidays are an incredibly busy time of year. Between work and home, it can feel like there isn’t enough daylight to get everything done. We have projects to complete, emails to answer, dinners to plan, gifts to buy — and family is coming in from out of town. Is it possible to take care of everything and not be completely exhausted by the end of it? While we can’t answer that definitively, we can share a few “holiday hacks” to help you get more out of your time. Put work aside. Give yourself blocks of time to focus on one thing at a time. You may be tempted to multitask, but for your mental health, don’t do it. Focusing on one thing at a time produces better results (this applies equally to cooking as it does to client work) and you’ll feel better through the process. Delegate — at home! You delegate assignments at work, so why not do the same at home? Start with your

prepared with love, and you can get high-quality frozen dishes or freshly prepared meals from your favorite grocery store. The time and energy you save is worth the investment. In 2020, we have more options than ever to make life easier. So, enjoy the holidays a little more by doing the things you love and using these tips to make the most of your time and energy this season.



Inspired by MinimalistBaker.com

Nothing pulls together a salad quite like a delicious Caesar dressing. This easy vegan recipe takes just five minutes to make and keeps for 5–7 days in the fridge.

• 1/4 cup hummus INGREDIENTS

• 2 tsp capers, minced

• 3 tsp caper brining juice

• 5 cloves garlic, minced

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 1 tsp spicy mustard

• Salt and pepper, to taste

• 1 tbsp lemon juice

• Hot water, as needed

• 1/2 tsp lemon zest


1. In a small bowl, add all ingredients and whisk to combine. 2. If needed, add a bit of hot water to thin the dressing until it will pour. 3. Serve with salad or refrigerate for later!

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3020 Old Ranch Parkway, Ste. 300 Seal Beach, CA 90740



Navigate the Holiday Buffet Like a Pro

2. Training for a Marathon? Oh!mino Could Be Your Secret Weapon Shoe Shopping? Here's What You Need to Know 3. Want to Make Your Holidays a Little Easier? Simple Vegan Caesar Dressing 4. How ‘Prehabilitation’ Helps in Surgery Recovery


like swelling and muscular atrophy. This can also help shorten your hospital stay and decrease the time you spend doing post-surgery rehab. During prehab, our physical therapists can help you prepare to do daily activities post-surgery, such as maneuvering out of bed, using the toilet, walking down stairs, and using crutches. Since your PT will know your current range of motion, they can also help you create goals to get back to it during your recovery. The recovery process can be tedious and frustrating, so it’s helpful to have some goals in mind. Doing so will help you track your progress and stay motivated in your recovery. It should also be noted that, while not incredibly common, sometimes prehab can be so effective that it eliminates the need for surgery altogether. As physical therapists, it’s our goal to help our

Physical therapy has become a common part of most post-surgery rehabilitation routines. However, did you know that going through physical therapy prior to your surgery can benefit your recovery process as well? Strange as it might sound, strengthening your muscles and joints before surgery — after which they’ll most certainly be weaker — can ensure that you recover faster. This is called “prehabilitation,” or prehab, and it’s a great way to help you get back to doing what you love after an operation. In general, the healthier you are going into a surgery, the better poised you will be to have a speedy recovery. When you visit our office for prehab appointments, one of our physical therapists can walk you through a series of stretches and exercises focused on strengthening the body part prior to surgery. Prehab exercises benefit your overall health and help reduce post-surgery symptoms,

patients get back to doing what they love by any noninvasive means possible. Sometimes surgery is necessary, and that’s okay — but if you could recover without surgery, wouldn’t you try? In order to get the most out of your prehabilitation routine, most health experts recommend starting prehab appointments with a physical therapist at least six weeks before your scheduled surgery. However, starting a prehab routine even two weeks before your surgery can benefit you in recovery. While prehab is beneficial, it’s important to know that not every insurance program will cover it. So, check with your insurance provider before you start. Nevertheless, the benefits of prehabilitation make it an option worth seriously considering.

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