Working with reputable vendors is a major factor in delivering above-standard service for CRS Automo- tive. Ahmad points out that the newly crowned Tire E-shop found at has been a huge success in part because of local suppliers who deal parts online and who deliver within a 30-40 minute timeframe. “Coupled with our daily out-of-town deliv- eries – which we see several of per day – the workflow into our shops is constant,” he says. Even while e-commerce represents calm waters for Ahmad, he is not willing to put CRS Automotive on cruise control. “We’re always working with innovative people who help us promote ourselves online through social media platforms in the most up-to-date manner possible. We use an awesome company in Europe that helps us maintain and promote our website. Ali and I are always seeking to capture videos and photos of automotive-related material and send it off to our media team to post. We have found that the more we interact with people online, the more business it gener- ates for us. We also ask our customers to help us grow our business by leaving a review on Google; this goes a long way to helping us build our online presence and ultimately bringing in new customers.”
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