Wednesday 15th February
VIP Keynote: Secrets for Success – Learning from the Past & Planning for the Future Dr Mary Lou Jepsen, Chairman of the Board, Openwater Keynote ‘Fireside Chat’ led by Harry McCracken, Global Technology Editor, Fast Company Time Magazine 100, CNN’s “Top 10 Thinkers”, Anita Borg’s “Top 50 Female Computer Scientists”, Forbes’ “America’s Top 50 Women in Tech” and a host of other awards and honours... not just an innovator with over 200 patents to her name (100+ in the last 5 years), she is also recognized for her radical approach to innovation itself. Where others see setbacks, she sees new sources of inspiration: her experience of undergoing brain surgery led to acclaimed contributions to healthcare, brain imaging and IA as an essential complement to AI. Where others see existential threats she sees new challenges. In this fireside chat led by Harry McCracken of Fast Company, we will hear about her progressive approach to innovation, the mindset, the drive... and staying wide open to the unexpected.
11:50am — 12:15pm
Lunch — Location: Hayes terrace
12:20pm — 1:30 pm
Wednesday afternoon break-out sessions are split into two parallel event tracks.
Media Track
CxO Track
Delegates at the NetEvents Global Media will join a series of 30-45 min. individually scheduled media briefing sessions throughout the afternoon with top technology press and analysts covering more than 25 countries worldwide.
C-Level Executives will join the Business Innovation Leaders Forum for the CxO roundtable workshops. By invitation only — exclusive, private sessions.
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