This certificate does not include government imposed taxes, transfers, meals, or any incidental expenses such as, but not limited to: phone calls, gratuities or entertainment. Hotel/motel may require a credit card imprint or deposit upon check-in to cover incidental expenses. Government imposed taxes (approx. $35 to $60 per person) are the sole responsibility of the travelers. Taxes include, but are not limited to: Airline Federal Excise Tax, Federal Security Tax, Federal Segment Taxes, Local Passenger Facility Charges, hotel occupancy tax or attraction ticket taxes. Government imposed taxes will be deducted from your reservation deposit and will not exceed $240. The remainder of your reservation deposit, if any, will be refunded with your airline tickets and/or itinerary. Until CBE purchases your airline tickets, accommodations and/or attraction tickets you may cancel and receive a full refund of all monies paid. A personal CBE travel representative will contact you by phone to finalize the details of your trip before purchases are made. Your airline tickets and/or itinerary will be mailed to you at least 10 days before your departure date. A voucher for your attraction tickets will be issued with your airline tickets and/or itinerary. Please follow the instructions on the voucher to pick up your attraction tickets in Orlando. Failure to update your address and telephone numbers will prevent your receipt of your airline tickets and/or itinerary. 7KLV FHUWL¿FDWH LV YRLG ZKHUH SURKLELWHG E\ ODZ DQG PD\ QRW EH FRPELQHG ZLWK DQ\ other discount or special promotion. No other representations, oral or otherwise are YDOLGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKLVFHUWL¿FDWH 7KLV FHUWL¿FDWH LVQRWYDOLG IRUJURXS WUDYHO*URXS WUDYHO LVGH¿QHG DVPRUH WKDQ WZR SDVVHQJHUVWUDYHOLQJWRJHWKHUXVLQJPXOWLSOHFHUWL¿FDWHV CBE is not responsible for any accident, injury, theft, property damage or personal loss in connection with any transportation, accommodations or other travel services arranged LQ WKH IXO¿OOPHQW RI WKLV FHUWL¿FDWH ZKLFK UHVXOW HLWKHU GLUHFWO\ RU LQGLUHFWO\ IURP DQ\ RFFXUUHQFH LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR HTXLSPHQW EUHDNGRZQV DQGRU GHIHFWV ÀLJKW cancellations and/or delays, changes of itineraries, strikes, inclement weather, theft, terrorism and/or acts of war. %RWKWUDYHOHUVPXVWVLJQWKHFHUWL¿FDWH Disney, SeaWorld and Universal Studios are not affiliated with CBE and do not endorse this offer. All trademarks remain the property of their respective trademark holders.
Orlando Theme Park Getaway Vacation for four including: s 2OUND TRIP AIRFARE FOR FOUR s 4WO NIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS s &OUR