London Ambulance Service - Head of Estates and Facilities

• Headquarters & Corporate Offices We have several corporate offices, with Waterloo as our Headquarters. Our Estates modernisation agenda has seen our corporate offices transform over the last 12 months, with further plans to improve the quality, safety and sustainability of our Estate . • Training Centres Eight centres from which we run our clinical training and education. Six are for clinical education and training, one is a dedicated driving training centre and one is a standalone EOC training centre. • Non-Emergency Transport Service Two sites which house and dispatch the vehicles and staff for our Non Emergency Transport Service (NETS). In addition, NETS also operate from three ambulance stations. • Hazardous Area Response Team Two strategically located sites which house and dispatch the vehicles, equipment and staff for our Hazardous Area Response Teams. • Logistics Store Our Supply & Distribution Centre is integral for the distribution of medical and non-medical supplies to our ambulance stations. In July 2021, we will be vacating our units at Deptford and moving to a purpose-built Distribution Centre in Segro Park, Rainham. A site plan of our new unit and the amenities available can be found here .

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