South Atlanta Injury Lawyers - May 2021

As common as personal injury lawsuits are in the United States, there still seems to be a cultural aversion to suing someone. Whether it’s because you don’t want to be perceived as overly vindictive, or because you think that in suing someone you’re destroying them financially, it can be easy to find reasons that justify not moving forward with a lawsuit. While feelings of aversion toward suing someone are understandable, you shouldn’t let them stop you from moving forward with a lawsuit for two reasons. First, receiving fair and just compensation for your injuries is your right, and you shouldn’t be saddled with those costs when your injuries are not your fault. Second, in 99% of cases, the opposing party isn’t paying out of pocket to cover your compensation — their insurance company is. Whenever you win a lawsuit against someone, and the court decides to reward you with a settlement, it doesn’t mean the opposing party is going to lose their house, car, business, or anything like that. Typically, the at-fault party won’t pay a dime out of pocket. Instead, their insurance provider will cover the settlement — and that’s nothing you should feel bad about. After all, that’s the purpose for health and auto insurance providers: to ensure that people can reasonably pay for medical bills and damages to their vehicle without having to pay too much of their own money. So, remember: If you get in an accident, you have the right to demand compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance provider so you can pay for any medical treatment, pay for damages to your vehicle, or cover any lost wages. Instead of thinking about a lawsuit as “taking all the other party’s money,” think of it as “making their insurance company do their job.” Shouldn’t Keep You From Filing a PI Lawsuit Why ‘Not Being the Suing Type’

An Ancient Practice With Modern Benefits

Martial artist and actor, Li Lianjie — aka Jet Li — is best known for his roles in the films “Fist of Legend,” “Shaolin Temple,” “Fearless,” and “Hero.” He has over 30 years of experience as a tai chi practitioner and is an advocate for the traditional Chinese martial art form. That’s because it comes with a long history that shows its many benefits. Origins While the exact age of this martial art form is unknown, tai chi can be dated back to as far as 2,500 years ago. Tai chi, also known as tai chi chuan or qi gong, was originally created and used as a form of self-defense. However, practitioners adapted it over the centuries, and many began using it as a form of meditation and exercise. Today, tai chi includes a focus on the mind, breathing practices, body awareness, and motion through slow and deliberate movements. Practicing this discipline brings calm and balance into the mind and body, which can be integrated into every aspect of life. Forms Tai chi consists of several different forms, including Yang, Chen, Wu Hao, Wu, and Sun styles. The most commonly practiced form is Yang, which places an emphasis on slow and exaggerated movements accompanied with slow, deep breaths. Because it includes gentle movements, Yang tai chi can be practiced by many individuals, regardless of their age or mobility. Tai chi is also a perfect way for anyone recovering from an injury to exercise without straining their bodies. Benefits For aging adults, tai chi offers many benefits, including balance, strength, and flexibility, which begin to fade with age but are necessary to help people stay active and reduce the risks of falling or developing arthritis. Because tai chi also focuses on the mind and breathing, it also improves mental and emotional well-being. Learning tai chi is easy, and it starts with attending the right class. Find a local martial arts school or consider joining Jet Li’s online academy at Through this ancient form, you can bring peace, balance, and health into your life. GIVE TAI CHI A TRY

If you or someone you know was recently in an accident and needs an experienced personal injury attorney,

call South Atlanta Injury Lawyers (a division of Obiorah Fields) today at 404‑994-6218 for a free consultation.

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