King's Business - 1953-05

MA Y 25c MRS. BILLY GRAHAM 20 ways to be a good mother The Box That Talks How phonographs and records are winning natives to Christ



A Paul Hutchens story

AFabulons Film

of one of the most mysterious cities in existence— Dr. Louis Talbot presents I SAW PETRA I f ROSE-COLORED CITY OF THE DEAD Color-Sound Motion Picture PRODUCED BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

See Bible Prophecies Fulfilled before your eyes Tyre, Sidon, Ammon, Moab

How to Obtain These Films They are available to any group on a free-will offer ing basis; that is, each time the film is shown ai offering is to be taken for the work of the Bibl Institute of Los Angeles in training young folks fo world-wide Christian service. Advertising Material A press release and other material will be sent we in advance of the showing o f the film in order to hei you in the advertising.


Please send me the following 16 mm. sound-coloi films to be shown on a free-will offering basis: DATE OF SHOWING

BUSINESS Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

MAY, 1953

Vol. 44, No. 5

Established 1910

chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT



THE GREAT "COME" MISSION — Paul Hutchens ....................... 6 WAR AGAINST THE TRUTH — Gerald B. Stanton ..................... 8 A GOOD MOTHER — Mrs. Billy Graham ......................................... 9 t h e B0X THAT TALKS — Six-page photo story ............................... 10 WILLARD RENAMED HORTON ............................................................. 33 ON HER 107TH BIRTHDAY .......................................... —.................— ^ FEATURES READER REACTION ...................................................................................... 4 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ..................................................... WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ....................................... 16 "TRUTH . . . OUT OF THE EARTH" — Charles L. Feinberg.. 17 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ....................................... 17 CHURCH OF THE MONTH — Pasadena Covenant ..................... 18 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE — Paul M. Aijian ....................................... 19 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ..................... 19 BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis ................................................... 20 FINEST OF THE WHEAT — Wm. Carson Lantz .......................... 21 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ..................................... 22 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS — Oran H. Smith ............................ 23 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker .......................... 26 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ............................................................................ 28 YOUR POPULARITY POLL ......... 29 IN CHRIST IS LIFE— A column for the un-saved .......................... 31 PARABLES AND PEARLS ............................................................................ 49 ADVERTISER'S INDEX .................................................................................. 50 CHISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED — Margaret Jacobsen ...... 34 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett .......................... 35 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood.. 39 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder ................................................. 47 COVER To get in the mood for this month's cover, artist Fred Bailey visited Gospel Recordings, watched the assembly line and then went home with a phonograph and an odd-sounding record to do some hard work. Former Biola student Bailey is now art director for an aircraft company. For the story see page 10.



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editorial assistant LUCY R. REDMOND circulation manager STELLA HINTER business manager J. RUSSEL ALLDER

editorial board Paul M. Aijian * Donald G. Davis Charles L. Feinberg • James O. Henry Martha S, Hooker* * Margaret Jocobsen Wm, Carson Lontz • Donald Robertso»» Oran H. Smith • Gerald B. Stanton

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fromthe editor’s desk

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After 21Years: Abuilding is returned A t midnight, Saturday, February 28, an event occurred which is most significant in the life of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. A t that time the W illard Hotel building was officially returned to the Bible Institute. The W illard Hotel Corporation had leased the building in 1932. The lease was made necessary at that time because of the tremendous indebtedness against the Bible Institute property. In recent years the school rented floors from the W illard Corporation in order to accommodate the men students. But the entire building has now been returned to the original owners and was recently dedicated Thomas C. Horton Hall, in mem ory of “ Daddy” Horton, one of the co-founders o f the school. His influence is felt even today in the lives of hundreds of men and women who in their early years received spiritual instruction and inspiration from this great man of God. (For photos see page 33). Conference Time S ummer conference time is rapidly approaching. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles w ill be conducting several summer conferences along the Pacific Coast. Dates and locations are as follows: June 1 3 -2 0 .....................-—High School and College young people’s con­ ference at Hume Lake, California, in the heart of the H igh Sierras. July 1 9 -2 6 .....................— A ll-fam ily conference at beautiful Jennings Lodge, in the greater Portland area. August 2 - 9 .....................— A ll-fam ily conference in the Seattle-Tacoma area, at Glendawn Conference Grounds. August 1 6 -2 3 ........ ........— A ll-fam ily conference at popular Mount Her- m on Conference Grounds. August 28 - September 1—High School young people’s conference on fabulous Catalina Island. September 1 - 5 ...............— B io l a Student-Faculty retreat on Catalina Island. In the all-fam ily conferences the leaders and speakers will include Dr. S. H. Sutherland, President, Conference Director; Dr. Dean Nauman, B io l a Faculty Member, General Conference Manager; Miss Carol Terry, (B io l a ’4 0 ), Missionary to India; James A . Sanders, Bible Institute Radio Director; Dr. Herbert G. Tovey, Director School of Sacred Music, Song Leader; Dr. Chester Padgett, Professor of English Bible and Radio Panel Member; the Scoville sisters, special music. Additional speakers and features will be announced later. The King’s Business readers are urged to check these dates and plan to attend the conference of their choice. Your Popularity Poll T here’s something about a popularity poll that is . . . well, that is intriguing. If you ’re involved in the poll there seems to be a certain satisfaction, a certain feeling that even though you are on ly one per­ son out of the mass, your voice is being heard and counted. And of course there’s still a further satisfaction in reading the final results of any popularity poll. This month you can have the satisfaction o f having your say in a popularity poll. The questionnaire on page 29 w ill take you about three minutes to complete. W hen you ’re finished, clip and mail to us. That’s all, and thank you for your cooperation. In a few months w e’ll be able to compile the results. W e think they’ll be m ighty interesting. — L.H.


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M A Y 1 9 5 3

Author’s introductory note : In the following article I have imagined myself actually to be sailing with the Apostle Paul on his Macedonian journey. The narrative-type exposi­ tion of Acts 16:6-15, is presented as in a letter to a friend. I ’ve been traveling with our friend, the mighty Apostle Paul, this morning, from Troas by boat to Neapolis, and thence to Philippi, where one of the most important events in the history of the. world took place. It was a bit confusing to me for a while, when we were in Phrygia and Galatia, for we wanted to swing west and preach in the province of Asia, but the Holy Spirit who so graciously dwelt within us and was guiding, forbade us to preach there. We went on north until we were straight east of Mysia, and the plan was to drive still further north and preach the Word in Bithynia, but again we were stopped by the com­ mand of the Spirit. So we skirted Mysia, and came down to the beautiful little seaport of Troas on the Aegean. . . What to do or where to go, was the question. Our hearts were burning within us to proclaim the Word—to open the Scriptures and unfold to every Jew we met the blessed truth that the Messiah, for whom they and we had been searching and waiting, had in­ deed already come and that He was a suffering Messiah, as predicted in Isaiah. He had been wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities . . . All we like sheep had gone astray, we had turned every 6

one to his own way, and the Lord had laid upon Him (while He was being crucified on the cross at Jeru­ salem, the city of the prophets,) the iniquities of us all. . . An atonement had at last been made for our sins and we were for­ ever free. A ll animal sacrifices were to be done away. . . We wanted to tell the Gentiles also, and to see happen to them what'we knew had happened to the folk of Samaria, the half-Jews and half-Gentiles, when Philip had preached, and to the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius in Caesarea when Peter had preached to them. . . Oh, it was a wonderful message, and wherever we had been allowed to preach it, there had been the mighty power of the Spirit of God upon the Word and souls were saved. . . . But what to do now! The Spirit had said “ No” to us concerning Asia, and the same concerning Bithynia, and here we were at the sea itself. Could it be that we had missed the will of God for us? We went to sleep that night won­ dering. . . But we were soon to learn a precious lesson in the school of the Spirit-directed life: God’s “ No’s” were as important as His “Yes’s” . . . He leads us “ by stops as well as by steps,” by halts as well as hurries, by darkness as well as light. Some time during the night a strange thing happened. . . Paul was given a vision. . . A man from Macedonia — 150 miles across the Aegean—invited—in fact, he pleaded with—Paul to come over into Mace­ donia and help them. . . They need­ ed help over there. . . I’ve been

wondering since then, if the Man of Macedonia may not have been the risen Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who appeared to Paul as if to say, “We— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—are about to do a mighty work in Mace­ donia, and we need the testimony of one of our redeemed ones. We have a plan for the evangelizing of all Europe, but we first must win the key person, a good woman, whose actual home is in the province of Asia where you wanted to preach, but which we forbade because the key personality was not there at the time, but was instead in Macedonia . . .” If the One who did appear to Paul in the vision was none other than the risen Lord Himself, then it meant to me that He who had given the general command, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel,” some­ times gave more specific directions as to the individual field to which He wanted us to go, by saying, “ Come!” It is a blessed thought.. . Just as quickly as Paul had seen the vision, we made our plans to go into Macedonia, a trip that would have to be taken by a sailing ship. We embarked as soon as we could, and our boat went like the wind, with the wind. ( “ By a straight course,” Acts 16:11, is a nautical ex­ pression, says G. Campbell Morgan, and means “with the wind” ). . . So we felt that not only did we have the urgent invitation of the Lord to COME, but He had caused the very forces of nature to hurry us on to the new place of ministry. . . I couldn’t help but think, as the great mainsail billowed out with the wind and we THE KING'S BUSINESS

as he had been taught, “ I thank Thee that I am neither a slave nor a Gen­ tile nor a woman.” But I think truly I have never seen a more humble man, more in love with our Lord, for Paul at first opportunity told the blessed story of salvation through the crucified Messiah. One of the women who listened so attentively and rever­ ently, seemed to just hang on Paul’s words as he spoke. . . I could not tell whether she was a Jewess, or a Gentile who had been converted to the worship of the one true God. . . But Paul’s intellectual conception as to the attitude toward Gentiles and women had undergone a revolution­ ary change since that eventful day on the Damascus road when he had actually seen for the first time the risen Christ; and so, boldly and yet humbly and with the power of the Holy Spirit, he spoke the message, and—praise the dear Lord!— this one woman’s heart was opened by the Lord Himself, using the message as His implement, and she believed and was saved. . . I’ve sometimes wondered what might have been her thoughts as she listened. . . For she was a business woman, a seller of purple dyes. . . Purple dyes are extracted from the neck glands of the purple clams which abound in the Aegean. . . The neck glands of the larger clams are opened by an incision; the smaller clams are crushed, and the purple thus secured. . . Was if the words of Paul as he spoke of Calvary,- the opening of the veins of the Son of God, the crushing of the precious One that opened the fountain for cleans­ ing from sin, which Helped her to understand? Did she see in her mind’s eye the purple robe placed in mock­ ery upon the Saviour? I do not know . . I only know that her heart was opened, and it was she who was the key-personality to the evangelization of Europe. . . But my time and space are gone. . . . We had a marvelous time in Philippi — and plenty of trouble— conversions, and crowds, and perse­ cution. We were thrown into jail be­ fore we were through, but it was glorious . . . I’ll tell you about it in another letter sometime. In closing, let me remind you again: Sometimes the Spirit says “No” to our plans because He has a better plan—and this better plan will bring about in a better way the very thing which we so desire to do for Him. . . . And IF He is working and guiding, and if we obey Him, He will wield the forces of nature as His instru­ ments to accomplish His purpose. . . .

Come” Mission B y Paul Hutchens Illustrations: Violet Lanquist

There we rested awhile, quietly ob­ serving, doing nothing spectacular, waiting an opportunity. . . And then on the first Sabbath Day, it came. . . There weren’t enough Jews in the whole ungodly city to have a synagogue (there had to be at least ten men before a synagogue could be organized), and so we went to attend a prayer meeting with a little group which we’d heard gathered on the Sabbath in a circular inclosure open­ ed only to the sky, out along the riverside. . . Philippi, a city of many fountains, was beautifully situated near the mouth of the river, at the northern end of the Aegean. It was a bit disconcerting to find only women at the prayer gathering —and for Paul a real test of his con-' secration, for from his childhood, as a Hebrew, he had been praying daily

almost flew across the beautiful blue of the Aegean, of the word I’d once heard about the Holy Spirit, as the Lord had talked to Nicodemus one night, saying, “ The wind bloweth where it listeth, and you cannot tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth, so is every one that is bom of the Spirit.” We who had once been born of the Spirit, were now being borne by the wind, a symbol of the blessed Spirit, straight to our field of service. However, it is not always so that the forces of nature are so apparently with us. . . Sometimes the wind is contrary, and the waves take us down. . . We reached Samothrace without mishap, and thence to Neapolis, where we landed, and hurried on to Philippi which is a Roman colony. . .

MAY 1953


War Against the Truth A Christian Educator Reveals the Challenge Caused by the Increasing Apostasy Found in Formerly Christian Schools

by Dr. Gerald B. Stanton

H r. Sutherland, Mr. Myers, honored members of the faculty and fellow students: We are gathered here this morning as an institution dedi­ cated to the work and glory of our God and for the propagation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Per­ sonally, I count it a signal honor to be associated with this great institu­ tion and to be a co-laborer with the other men and the ladies of the fac­ ulty in the training of lives and the building of testimonies. We are this morning—all of us, both faculty and students alike— called upon to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ. If there were not battles to be fought, if there were not vic­ tories yet to be won, none of us would be here. We believe that our school exists because the kingdoms of this world have not yet become the kingdom of our Christ. Therefore, we dare not lay down our armor and we will not lay down our Sword. The Word of God which we be­ lieve and which is so dear to all of us clearly teaches us that in the latter days, perplexing, evil times shall come. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Peter indicates it after this manner: “ False prophets . . . [shall be] among the people, false teachers who . . . privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them . . . and many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of” (2 Pet. 2 :1 ,2 ). Enemy Forces Abound Now we who are Christian soldiers believe that there is real wisdom in recognizing the enemy and the forces of the enemy and in knowing from what quarter an attack will come. We are living in days when sin is abounding on every side. We recog­ nize that, in spite of the claims of some amillennialists, here in this par­ ticular age Satan is not bound. We

know that, according to Scripture, in the latter days evil times shall come. We might well, then, expect Christianity to be under attack. We are not surprised when this attack comes out of such places as Nazi Ger­ many with its bitter hatred towards Judaism. We are not surprised when we see books coming from the Ger­ man press such as Jesus, the Greatest Enemy of Mankind. We are shocked, but yet we are not too much surprised when we hear blatant unbelievers, Convocation address given January 28, 1953, at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles by Dr. Stanton, Professor of Sys­ tematic Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary, as tape recorded and repro­ duced here at the request of President Sutherland. infidels, like Ingersoll, uttering their blasphemy against God. Ingersoll made this awful statement: “ The church for a thousand years has ex­ tinguished the torch of progress in the blood of Christ.” What a blasphemous thing to say; yet we are not sur­ prised when we see the attack pressed from such a source. However, we are surprised and dismayed when we see how the assault has shifted. Satan’s attack nowadays, it seems, is coming not so much from the atheist, not so much from the blasphemer and de­ nier of the faith such as Ingersoll, but the assault is now coming from formerly Christian institutions — in­ stitutions founded for the propagation of the gospel of Christ! These schools that once knew our Saviour are now the fountainheads of skepticism and unbelief and are pouring forth their atheism until the whole land has become contaminated. Some Educators Deny Gad Let me give you the source of just a few of these institutions—five in number. First, Yale University. Dr. Cyrus Northrop, in his book Two Centuries of Christian Activity in

Yale, said this: “ Yale College was founded by Christian ministers in the interest of education, but especially of religious education, in order that there might be an adequate supply of Christian ministers. . . For the first century no less than forty per cent of its graduates became ministers of the gospel.” Now what do we find today? We find that the Yale Uni­ versity press is publishing books which deny the very existence of God. We find lecturers who are outstand­ ing atheists, such as Prof. Montague of Columbia who said: “ Zeus and his cousin of old Judea [that is, Jesus] never were at all, except in night­ mare dreams, in the minds of their worshipers.” 1 Let us look at Smith College, which has been for years a famous college for young women. In the third article of the will of the founder of Smith College, Sophia Smith, we find these words: “ Sensible of what the Chris­ tian religion has done for myself, and believing that all education should *be for the glory of God and the good of man, I direct that the Holy Scriptures be daily and system­ atically read and studied in said col­ lege, and that all the discipline shall be pervaded by the spirit of evan­ gelical Christian religion.” However, since then we find men at Smith Col­ lege such as Prof. Barnes, in the chair of Historical Sociology, drilling the thousands of students who sit under him in his own hatred for Christianity. He has called upon them to surrender (1) the reality and deity of the Biblical God; (2) the unique­ ness and divinity of Jesus; and (3) the belief in immortality. Moreover, this professor at a formerly outstand­ ing Christian college says: that he is continued on page 29 1Wilbur Smith, "Therefore Stand," pp. 72-117, it the source for quotations used concerning the five colleges under exami­ nation.



GocJ Woii er j rom m y own mother’s life, and from the lives o f other mothers, I have ' gleaned the following suggestions. They have meant much to me and I pass them on to you for what they are worth. A good mother walks with God. A good mother “ looketh well to the ways of her household.” However, if ever she must choose between being a good housekeeper or a good mother, she w ill know which to choose. A good mother is a good disciplinarian w ith enough self-control to punish adequately and promptly when necessary, not excusing the offense or postponing punishment because o f weariness at one time, and then being overly severe another time, because she doesn’t feel well. In other words, a good mother will not let her children become the victims of her disposition. A good mother in disciplining w ill be firm but patient. She will try to get to the root of the trouble, recognizing the difference between mis­ behavior arising from illness, fatigue or hunger and that arising from original sin. A good mother w ill listen to the child’s viewpoint and be reasonable. A good mother realizes that her greatest responsibility js teaching her children about God their Father, and Christ their Saviour and her greatest privilege is leading each child, as soon as he can talk, to Christ. A good mother w ill be faithful in teaching day by day, not just on Sundays, drawing illustrations of God’s love and care from the or­ dinary happenings of every day. (Deut. 11:18, 19.) A good mother w ill be careful to teach her children to pray daily, to love their Bibles, to love and respect God’s house, to honor old people, to be kind, honest, courageous, diligent. In other words, the importance o f behaving as well as believing right. A good mother “ opens her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law o f kindness.” A good mother is a good listener, always interested in everything, careful not to kill confidence or betray it. A good mother will not provoke her children to anger lest they be dis­ couraged. (O r as Phillips puts it, “ don’t over-correct your children lest they be discouraged.” ) A good mother not on ly teaches, she lives. A good mother, looking daily to the Lord for guidance, w ill faithfully and lovingly train up her children in the w ay they should go. Then knowing that through God’s faithfulness they w ill not depart from it when grown, she w ill in the meantime en joy them to the fullest. A good mother w ill put the happiness of her fam ily ahead o f financial advancement (except when an absolute necessity). N o salaried position or commercial career, however attractive, would convince her she should entrust her children to others while she le'aves home and works. A good mother considers marriage the most wonderful o f careers and herself the most privileged person on earth. A good mother unselfishly serves h er-fam ily but not to the point of allowing them to grow up selfish and inconsiderate o f others. A good mother uses every opportunity to develop love and congeniality among her children. A good mother is a companion as well as a teacher, a playmate as well as a guide.

Mrs. Billy Graham,

mother of four

and wife of

America’ s best-

known evangelist,

gives 2®

pointers on

being a good mother

R u t k C jr a li am


M A Y 1 9 5 3


When illness forced one young missionary to leave her field, she returned home and started a work that today is world-wide in its ministry. The story of that ministry is the story of the way natives are being reached for Christ by


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I n central Africa a lone missionary stopped in a jungle clearing, got out a small portable phonograph, wound it up and put on a record in' the local dialect. By the time the record had played through four times a sizable crowd was pressing in upon him. To these natives a box that talked was sheer magic. On the edge of the crowd the village witch doctor listened carefully. He had never heard the claims of Christ before but this once was enough. Then and there he made a public confes­ sion and, with the townspeople fol­ lowing him, went to his hut and burned all his witchcraft things. The box that talks had just been used

tener’s own language without any tell-tale accent. Phonographs and records seemed to be the answer. A box that talked was novel enough to attract almost any native in just about any part of the world. When Joy Ridderhof was forced to leave the mission field because of illness she went to work on her new idea. Today that new idea is a full- grown missionary enterprise. And this month, as nearly every month in the past few years, Joy Ridderhof and some of her co-workers were out again getting on-the-spot recordings of basic gospel messages and hymns. This time it was to the hot jun­ gles of New Guinea.

to win another soul to Christ. And back in Los Angeles, Calif, a small group of hard-working Chris­ tians, headed by ex-missionary Joy Ridderhof, were busy building the boxes and pressing records in over 550 languages and dialects. In the past 12 month-period production reached 137,007 records and 2,251 phonographs. Joy Ridderhof got the idea for making gospel records when she was a missionary in 'Honduras back in the mid-thirties. Two things were crystal-clear to her. 1) The mission­ ary needed a method to attract na­ tive listeners and 2) any message to be effective had to be in the lis­


MAY 19 53

£ /

Mtâür | C / continued

The gospel is going into primitive areas of world



Gospel Recordings founder Joy Ridderhof (center) and co-work­ ers Sanna Barlow, Ann Sherwood. Trio is now in So. Pacific. CONTINUED ►

Most languages, dialects are recorded by local natives, giv­ ing an authenticity that no missionary could ever duplicate.


At headquarters are busy studios and production lines

Vaughn Collins, now in Borneo doing field work, is shown as­ sembling portable recorder developed by Gospel Recordings.

In Los Angeles headquarters Doris Gibson checks tape before dubbing onto masters.

Trained as radar technician, Herman Dyk now is trouble-shooter for organization.

Full-time staff member George Bower here operates machine for pressing records.

Home-office technicians perform near miracles with the tapes sent in from the field. Noise is taken out, flat or sharp singing is corrected and back­ ground music and native chants

Sturdy, hand-wound phonographs in waterproof plywood cases are sold at cost and shipped post­ paid to missionaries. Young people pictured on this page are from Hollywood Presbyterian Church; volunteer to work from 7:30-10 one night each week.

Eighty-three-year-old Dwight Waller, like all of the other 26 full-time staff workers, receives no salary.

On phonograph assembly line each person does one job; group often turns out 40 phonographs an evening.

Entire villages have been evangelized and churches established by using Gospel Recordings phonographs.

MAY 1953

"/ (& '* f * BUSINESS




James O. Henry, Editor, M .A ., Associate prof, of History, Biola Palmer Brown, Associate Editor

B ib le Reading in the Schools At a recent conference of repre­ sentatives of the California Teachers’ Associatipn a committee voted, with only one dissenting vote, to oppose two bills in the California Legislature on Bible reading in the public schools. They gave two reasons for their ac­ tion. First, they said, “no parent should be called upon to send a note to school asking that his child be excused from listening to Bible read­ ing.” They contended that such would be a violation of the indi­ vidual’s constitutional rights to free­ dom of religious worship and the teachers felt that no public agency has a right to place a person in a position to express himself as a religious reader or instructor. How ridiculous our educators show them­ selves to be in such a forced interpre­ tation of the Constitution. Second, they state that, “ the schools, under the present school code, are teaching morals, manners and spiritual values and are doing a good job.” This con­ tention can certainly be called into question in view of the acute problem we now have with young dope addicts in our schools. Their final contention is that these bills might even “jeopardize the present teaching of moral and spiritual values by raising the sectarian question.” By this they mean they consider the 'reading of the Bible to be a hindrance rather than an aid to moral standards. These are our teachers. They are hired by the school boards we elect. What will we do about the matter? Stalin’ » Failure to Cheat Death Dr. Stepan Mikhailovitch Sabotkin, a former Colonel-surgeon in the Soviet Army, in an article written for the Science Digest magazine, de­ scribed a mechanical heart and lung machine designed to bring Stalin back to life within the critical six minutes of clinical death. Dr. Sabot­ kin spoke also of a “ Life elixir” tested on human guinea pigs which was to have been used by Premier Stalin. He stated that “ the Kremlin overlord has taken drugs and 'serums

for the last 13 years in a bold scheme to live more than 100 years.” Atheistic Soviet leaders may defy God but in­ evitably there comes the day when they must bow to His will. “ And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this thè judgment.” Russia T om o rrow Stalin’s successor has been chosen. All speculation has ended. Now we must face realities in our relations with Russia. The most fatal mistake America can make is to engage in wishful thinking and assume that the vast Russian empire will fall apart. George Sokolsky, a syndicated columnist for the Hearst Papers, gives an analysis of the situation in Russia that should be broadcast throughout our nation as a warning. In referring to those who predicted the collapse of Russia upon the death of Stalin he said, “ they had forgotten that the Communist control of Russia is now 36 years old, that it has been cement­ ed by time and war, that the gen­ eration of Russians of which Malen­ kov is representative knows no other world, has never read a correct his­ tory of the liberalism of the 19th century, has no understanding of con­ stitutional development in any coun­ try. It is a Soviet generation, bred in the philosophy of Marxism, the po­ litical structure of Leninism, the pragmatic devices of Stalin.” He says of the former Premier that “What­ ever one may think of Stalin, his achievements have been enormous . . . If on his tomb were engraved the words, Teheran, Yalta and Pots­ dam, it would be sufficient to make his name loom large in history. Mal­ enkov cannot long thrive on Stalin’s successes and prestige. “Therefore,” says Sokolsky, “Malenkov must win in Korea, in Indo-China, in Malaya, in Iran, in Germany. He must not only succeed in one of these areas but in all of them. He must complete Stalin’s unfinished business.” The issues are clear. It is a struggle be­ tween atheistic communism and democracy.

Film Censorsh ip Britain’s usually ultra-conservative film censorship board has approved a nude swimming scene in a Swedish movie because it is “ beautiful and childlike.” The Board gave the movie an “A ” certificate—meaning it may be viewed by children if escorted by an adult. The Board’s secretary said, “We found the whole picture so beautiful and childlike we had no doubts whatever. It would be unfair to limit such an innocuous film.” Such a flimsy reason for approval may legalize the action, but it can in no way justify it. P ea c e and the V . IV. At a recent convocation of minis­ ters held on the campus of the Uni­ versity of Southern California, Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk of the National Council of Churches asked perhaps the most important question facing Christians in America: “What shall the churches do about the United Nations?” His own appraisal of the problem is that “ if churches every­ where were to abandon the United Nations the engines of total war might roll again.” Dr. Van Kirk pointed out the ac­ complishments and the failures of the United Nations. In describing the disappointments felt by many per­ sons regarding the United Nations he said, “Maybe Christians expect too much too soon.” Many persons in our churches are not so sure about the United Nations as they once were. Dr. Van Kirk, with other National Council leaders, remains very opti­ mistic about future possibilities for universal peace. He said that “The Churches of Christ in the United States are committed to the estab­ lishment of a world political order,” and that “ Christians are the divinely inspired propagandists of world com­ munity.” Van Kirk’s views stand in complete contradiction to the Great Commission as given to the apostles and also to Paul’s admonition to young Timothy to “ Preach the Word!”



Out of the Lab


Out of the Earth”

Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., PhD. Director, Talbot Theological Seminary THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS (part two)

Dr. Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Bipla

A s soon as the news of the finding of the Dead Seg Scrolls was released to the public in 1948, the im­ mediate questions were: What are the contents of the manuscripts? How nearly do they conform to the Biblical books of the Hebrew texts we now have? Besides the scroll on the entire book of Isaiah, a commentary on Habakkuk, a manuscript called the Sectarian Document (a manual of discipline for a Jewish sect like the Essenes), and a fourth scroll in Aramaic which has been identified as the Apocryphal book of Lamech (men­ tioned but once in a Greek list of apocryphal books), were found among the scrolls at the Syrian Convent in Jerusalem. Before long the scholarly world was in­ formed that the manuscripts already mentioned were only a portion of a considerably larger collection. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem had acquired through similar channels the following scrolls: (1) “ The War of the Children of Light Against the Children of Dark­ ness,” (2) a collection of Thanksgiving Hymns, and (3) another scroll with a portion of a later text of Isaiah. By the time the cave at Ain Feshka (spelled also Ain Fashka, about 11 miles south of Jericho) near the Dead Sea had been carefully excavated by reliable authorities, about 200 manuscript fragments were found in the cave. Among the Biblical material were found parts of Genesis, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Judges, also fragments of the Biblical book of Daniel; the non-Biblical literature included the Lamech Apocalypse already noted, The Book of Jubilees, and The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Manifestly, it is too early for us to have final pronouncements on the contents of all the manuscripts, but considerable learning and pains have already gone into the intriguing labor on the contents of the larger scrolls. Study has shown from the beginning that the com­ plete Isaiah Scroll agrees in a remarkable fashion with our Masoretic Text (the Hebrew of our present Old Testament). There are differences in spellings of words and some forms, together with minor omissions, but these are not at all of the nature of the differences found in the Greek translation of the Old Testament (begun in the third century B.C.).The Sectarian Document outlines the rules of a reactionary sect of Judaism which lived in the area of the northern end of the Dead Sea before migration to Damascus, and which utilized the Ain Feshka Cave and others for a library for their sacred literature. In this document are to be found many sim­ ilarities to the language of Deuteronomy. The scribe of the Habakkuk Commentary took much pride in his work, for his writing is the most beautiful of all the scrolls. The scroll itself has suffered badly from damage by worms. The method of the commentary is the well- known midrashic, a system of the rabbis both involved' and allegorical which sought hidden meanings in the text. The War Scroll describes the children of light as the Jews, while the children of darkness are the Edo­ mites, Moabites, Ammonites, Philistines, and Seleucid Greeks. Elaborate descriptions cover battle formations, continued on page 32

T oo often the Christian thinks that what the scientist has to say is of no importance to his faith but such a position is unsound. It must be remembered that the Christian faith stands or falls as a unit. An important cornerstone of this faith is the inspiration of the Scrip­ ture. One need only refer to the words of our Lord as recorded in Matthew 5:18 or to the writings of Paul, Second Timothy 3:16, to see how basic this concept is'in Biblical Christianity. Therefore the Christian experts that the Lord of creation" inspired an accurate account of things in the natural realm. Since science is con­ tinually checking on nature and since at the very heart of its work is the idea of accurately describing nature, the Christian cannot ignore the results of science. From science will ultimately come the confirmation that the Bible is accurate where it touches on things of nature. But apparent conflicts have arisen between science and Biblical Christianity. Why? These conflicts are in part the result of misunderstandings between the scientist and the theologian as to the methodology of the other. The scientist proceeds by performing experiments and collecting data. Then he analyzes these data and tries to formulate from them some conclusions (hypotheses) that will not only explain his observations but will enable him to predict the outcome of further experiments. If the results of further experiments confirm the hypo­ thesis, the scientist has more confidence in it and checks it further. If the results are not as expected then the hypothesis must be either abandoned or re-examined to take into account the later observations. The important thing to note about this procedure is its dual nature. There is on the one hand the collecting of data or re­ cording the facts of nature, and on the other hand there is the formulating of hypotheses based on these facts. These two phases of science are not recognized by most people. Too often the working hypotheses (or theories) are confused with the facts. The Christian should welcome this fact-finding phase of science because by this work he expects that science will find that which confirms what God has revealed in His Word. But he should always be alert to recognize the difference between fact and theory. The Christian cannot deny the facts but he does not necessarily have to agree with the explanation of them. If they can be legitimate­ ly interpreted in a way which is more in agreement with the Christian position then the theory proposed'by the non-Christian scientist need not be binding. It is here, in the field of interpretation,' where the real conflict is found, for at times there is an unwillingness on behalf of the scientist to consider a theory framed within the Christian faith. The reluctance of the scientist to permit an interpre­ tation of data that agrees with Christian teachings is not the only source of conflict between Biblical Chris­ tianity and science. Sometimes it is caused by the theo­ logian who cannot be persuaded to abandon his pet theories of scriptural interpretation. In many respects continued on page 48 17

MAY 1953

Church of the Month

Pasadena domani Church

the regular Sunday school rolls. Fifty per cent of the babies enrolled eventually find their way to the Sunday school. i The youth department consists of five groups be­ ginning with a Jr. League (ages 9-11), a Hi League (ages 12-14), a Senior Hi League (ages 15-18) and a Covenant Youth Fellowship for college age. The Courier Class has a strong social program for the 25-35 age group. A full-time youth director plus a corps of trained workers are on the church staff. Recently a week end was spent in concentrated effort to analyze future goals and programs. Older folks have a real part in this church. There is a solid adult department in the Sunday school and a men’s fellowship and a women’s missionary group. Hospitality is part of the over-all program. A plan has been adopted which divides the church constituency into thirteen geographical and membership areas. Meetings are held in each district once a month. Evidence of the missionary vision is seen in the sup­ port of five full-time foreign missionaries. The church also cooperates in inter-denominational and city-wide evangelistic movements. A Swedish immigrant boy came to America. He was 8 years old at the time. Los Angeles became his new home. He graduated from B iola in 1939 and two days later was married. His bride was a native Califor­ nian, daughter of Rev. C. J. Ledin, Covenant minister for 50 years. A ll this is part of the life of Arvid Carlson, now pastor of the Mission Covenant Church of Pasadena. Education followed in ’39 at Los Angeles Pacific Col­ lege and at North Park Seminary in Chicago. After a period of pastorates and evangelistic work he assumed duties in Pasadena in November 1946. Today the mem­ bership has increased about 75 per cent. As well as his many responsibilities as pastor of this growing church, Carlson is active in other evangelistic work. He was chairman of the southwest regional board of the National Association of Evangelicals and has served on its national board. He has been on the tem­ porary faculty of Fuller Seminary for two years. He spends much time speaking to nearby campus Christian clubs and has spoken in nearly every major Youth for Christ rally from Los Angeles to Seattle. He and his wife, Linnea, are happy parents of Linda Arline, 11, and Pamela Gail, 6. Latest addition is Charles Frederick, born March 29,1953. A Native of Sweden, Pastor Carlson has been at Pasadena church seven years.

I laith and vision are responsible for the growth of Pasa- |dena and also the growth of the Mission Covenant . Church in that city. The church was started in 1922 when a band of believers met for worship and Bible study. Today the membership totals 400 and that of the Sunday school is 500. A glance at the origin and spiritual heritage of this denomination may be of interest. This church is a part of a national organization whose birth is traced to the revivals which moved across Scandinavia in the 1850’s. Its present constituency in America is 52,000 members. Returning to the physical aspects of the local church — the present sanctuary was completed in 1947 at a cost of over $100,000 and a Sunday school unit was added in 1949. The superstructure for this unit was erected in one day by a crew of 40 men — all members of the church. In 1951 a parsonage was completed. Also a branch church in Monrovia was erected. Most of the labor on these projects was donated by the artisans within the church. “ Teamwork for the Lord” best sums up the spirit of these folks, many of whom are Swedish- American Christians, but people from many other na­ tionalities form the membership as well. The church has carried on a very extensive visitation and cradle roll program. This department now has 250 families on the roll. A unique idea is to send out post­ cards on the basis of the vital statistics columns in local papers and then follow these up with personal calls. Then an invitation is given to attend the Mother’s class.

These meetings are held one night a month and the average attendance is 50. Teaching material consists of child study and a brief Bible lesson. A buzz session and social hour follows, and twice a year the fathers are invited to attend. After the child is four, he is automatically placed on



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