King's Business - 1953-05

MISSIONS continued anese man and his wife entered into a suicide pact in a Tokyo hotel. Both took poison capsules and went to sleep. The husband awakened to dis­ cover he had coughed up his capsule before it had a chance to melt. Sup­ posing his wife was dead, he arose to take other measures to take his own life and chose Suicide Mountain for making a quick end of his mis-' ery. Someone on the street handed him a copy of “ God’s Simple Plan of Salvation” in the Japanese language, and he was gloriously saved. By the grace of God his wife was discovered asleep in the hotel by a friend and was revived in the hospital nearby, after which, she too was given hope through hearing the gospel. Together these two are bearing an effective testimony for Jesus Christ in Japan. These incidents have been reported to encourage a type of ministry in which every Christian can engage. I f church edifices have meaning then the Colony of Hong Kong has a good foundation in the Christian faith! Although less than one-tenth of the total population of two and a quarter million may be called Chris­ tians, yet since the war no less than twelve large Chinese churches have been erected, the money contributed by Chinese. A significant fact! Church and missionary work is nor­ mal — in fact it is tough! For this is the city of great extremes — of fabulous wealth and of dire poverty; o f , large building projects and yet thousands unable to secure a job liv­ ing in huts and squalor on hillsides. The gospel is preached but there is no rush in acceptance of the message. Mass movements are more likely to be found in lands where war and devastation exists; where people are under an “ occupation” ; or where the politically shrewd think it useful to regain lost power. But Hong Kong is all too conscious of living along the border of the Motherland, sepa­ rated only by a tall wire fence! Of the fact that we can be “ taken over” , or may be “ handed back” at a con­ venient hour. Therein lies the tough­ ness of our position. In Hong Kong the “ score” has to be reckoned with! However the church is sound in its progress; it is indigenous. Just Us Our little church of “ Emmanuel” is enjoying,a continued blessing. On Sunday mornings the chapel with the adjoining bookroom are filled to capacity. Last week no less than eight nationalities were represented. 2 4 Book Room in the City of Nine Dragons (B iola in Hong Kong)

A brother who found us recently, a graduate of two leading American universities, on leaving the morning service, whispered: “ I am so at rest in my soul now.” We have six meet­ ings a week. Drop in and see us! This year we have had the pleasure o f seeing Dr. Billy Graham, Dr. Harry Hager, Dr. Donald Bamhouse, and are looking forward to the com­ ing of Dr. Harold Ockenga in June. Books, books. Thank you for the The Gospel for Peru Jorge Chavez, newly enrolled stu­ dent at B iola , is a native of Lima, Peru. Jorge was saved three years ago

A Chinese brother flew in from Man­ ila on a business trip, purchased a hundred dollars worth of books for the Chinese church in that city. A few days ago a Norwegian doctor returning home from Korea popped in. At that moment a German doctor travelling to Japan to join our old friend Dr. Fritz Eitel, strolled in; the two doctors exchanged a friendly greeting, purchased books, and were on their way. -An Indonesian brother called about an English Bible for a friend, and we were able to give him one from those you sent us. The Medical Mission continues. Dr. Harverson again has made one of his quick changes. The Chinese staff are loyally carrying on, and Dr. Greta Hague, formerly a mission­ ary doctor working in Hunan and Kwangsi, has stepped in as acting superintendent. Now we are look­ ing for a permanent doctor who can secure local registration. If you know of such a one please communi­ cate with B iola or ourselves. The opportunities are tremendous in this city with the largest number of dis­ placed persons in the world. There is, only one small Mission hospital in the Colony, and Government hos­ pitals are overly crowded. T.B. is very bad. Just You If it were not for YOU, the indi­ vidual donor, for groups and churches we could do little. Money is a queer article, and we are warned against the “ love of it” . And yet it is' the medium of blessing. A BIG THANK YOU for your gifts over the Christ­ mas and New Year. Here is how we used a draft for $200.00 sent by a popular Pasadena, California, church. It reached us at that very needy time of Chinese New Year. To a Christian woman with three children who fled Shanghai and has been unable to get a permanent posi­ tion. To a Boat Mission evangelist who needed extra help for his fam­ ily. To a former magistrate whose wife and family have been executed, and he has entered a local Bible school. evangelist who is by faith carrying a new church in the countryside. To a little girl who could not meet her spring school fees. To a newly opened baby home and leper colony. To a grant for books for needy students! Charles & Grace Roberts P.O. Box No. 1663, Kowloon, Hong Kong Shall the Blind See? B ecause of the dearth of Christian literature for blind Christians, and due to the small amount of literature available for the unsaved blind, a work has been started at THE KING'S BUSINESS

Chavez, a student at BIOLA, recently completed exploratory trip up Rio Ucayali, a tributary of the Amazon, to survey problem of evangelism in back country. through the witness of Mildred Comer of the Child Evangelism Fel­ lowship in Peru. After a two year Bible Institute Course this outstand­ ing Peruvian witness for Jesus Christ expects to return to his country as a representative for the Navigators.

On the trip Chavez met Chief of Chipivos.

literature, you have sent for distribu­ tion. The Little Bookroom is a ren­ dezvous for many coming from Japan, Korea, Formosa, Siam and the Philippines. Hong Kong is the great­ est shopping center in the Orient. Goods of all kinds from Europe and America may be purchased here. A friend arrived from Japan to purchase a Mission car, cheaper and easier to ship from this port than elsewhere!

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