King's Business - 1953-05

WAR AGAINST TRUTH from 8 “ unutterably opposed to all vestiges of the old supernaturalism.” Let us look at Bryn Mawr, also a famous Christian school for young women. It was said of Dr. Taylor, the founder, that “ It was his prayer that Bryn Mawr should become in the highest and most blessed sense a school of Christ, in which the student should learn of Him under the train­ ing and gracious discipline of His Holy Spirit the lessons of truth and love.” At that school now, however, we find Dr. Leuba, the eminent psychologist, a' member of the fac­ ulty for over forty years, writing his book entitled God or Man, and de­ voting an entire chapter to what he calls “ The Evils Dope by Christian­ ity” ! Anti-Supernaturalists Let us look at Columbia University, which began as King’s College. In an advertisement in the New York Gazette of the year 1752, these words were said: “ The chief thing that is aimed at in this college is to teach and engage the children to know God in Jesus Christ, and to love and serve Him, in all sobriety, Godliness, and righteousness of life, with a perfect heart and a willing mind.” Nowadays, we find at Columbia University prob­ ably the greatest concentration of anti-supematuralists that the col­ legiate world knows of in this day. Men such as John Dewey, William Montague, W ill Durant, and others of high caliber but also with vigorous atheistic views. Dewey for thirty or • forty years has been of the greatest influence in educational ideas, and yet he was an atheist who held that anything supernatural is a hindrance to the progress of mankind. He said on one occasion, “God is the work of human nature, imagination and will.” The fifth college at which we will take a quick glance is Dartmouth, founded by Eleazar Wheelock, an ordained minister, as a school for the training of Indian converts of New England in the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A later president said, “ Dartmouth College was con­ ceived in the fervor of piety; bom in the throes of a great missionary zeal; dedicated at birth to Christ; cradled the first year in a revival; and stands wedded to religion until death.” Nowadays we find this: In 1927, the student periodical, entitled The Dart- Some folks plan to be saved at the eleventh hour— then they die at 10:30.

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