King's Business - 1953-05

How easy it is for boys and girls who are Christians to not speak to nor to play with those who make mistakes in their words or actions. The Lord Jesus desires to use children who know Him to love those who sin and show them the joy of knowing the Saviour who can help them' when they are tempted to sin. Pray that God will help you to truly love those who do not honor Him so that you may have the joy of introducing them to your Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. June 28, 1953 Paurs Joy in Christ Phil. l:12-27a Pointers on the Lesson Philippians is often called the joy book of the Bible. There is so much of re­ joicing in it. The words “ joy” and “ re­ joice” occur sixteen times and there are a number of other kindred words which add to the melody of the book. What is the reason for this joy? Certainly it was not outward circumstances that were re­ sponsible. Paul was in prison when he wrote it but that did not seem to make any difference. The joy bells rang in his heart because of a wonderful Person whom he had learned to know and love. The Lord Jesus Christ was the secret of his joy. He is referred to seventy times by name and personal pronouns. This fact indicates that Christ was very important in Paul’s life. Suppose you got a letter from someone and in that letter a certain person was mentioned seventy times. You would be convinced that in the mind of the writer that person was tremendously important. Christ appears as everything to Paul in this letter. The Ministry of Affliction w . 12-18 Though in prison, Paul makes it clear that his presence there has been beneficial for the cause of Christ (v. 12). Through his bonds knowledge of the gospel had spread through the palace and into other places. That is, the Praetorium or the barracks of the Praetorian guards who were attached to the palace of Nero heard of the cause represented by Paul as did many others beyond these precincts (v. 13). Furthermore, because of Paul’s imprisonment, many who had been reti­ cent before were now made bold in the service of the Lord. They felt an added responsibility due to Paul’s inability to go about preaching (v. 14). Some of these apparently served with motives not alto­ gether worthy, but many of them did (w . 15-17). But Paul does not seem to be much concerned about the various atti­ tudes manifested toward himself person­ ally, just so long as the gospel was preached (v. 18). This was the thing that made the heart of Paul to rejoice. This should be the source of joy for all true believers. The making of Christ known to all men should be the passion of His followers. Paul's Highest Ambition w . 19, 20 Paul depended upon the prayers of the saints for his deliverance from his pres­ ent bondage that he might go abroad again to preach the gospel. But what­ ever came, his greatest desire was to CONTINUED ►

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MAY 1953

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