King's Business - 1953-05

the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour, that he could write and tell others about Efim, that lie could talk to the jailer about the Son of God, and because some of his Christian friends were caring for his needs. Rather than thinking only of all the things that were unpleasant, Paul was listing his many blessings even while he was in prison for preaching the gospel. The letter to the Christians at Philippi is filled with joy and Happiness. This is one of the letters that Paul wrote from the prison. When some of the Christians saw how Paul was rejoicing when he was in prison, they became holder in preach­ ing the gospel. The Philippian Christians had sent one of their members, Epaphro- ditus, to bring gifts to Paul in prison. How grateful the missionary was for their thoughtfulness and their love! How easy it is for Christians to mur­ mur and complain about the little things that they do not like. The least little pain, the fact that they cannot buy everything that they want when they go to the store, the fact that they cannot have the same toys and clothes that their friends have—so many things cause them Two Special Features There are two special features in this issue you won't want to miss. On page 29 is a popularity poll and on page 31 ap­ pears number one in a series, "In Christ Is Life." This series is written for the non-Christian and it is our earnest prayer that you will pass this column on to an unsaved friend. to he unhappy and “ grumpy” . Pray that the Lord Jesus will cause you every time that you start to complain to remember all that you have to be thankful for. Remember that one of the commandments in God’s Word is “ Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” MOREPEOPLE enjoy B I BL E R E A D I N G WITH THE New Instant Index Bible A Complete New

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