King's Business - 1953-05

Advertisers’ Indes Accordion Manufacturers ................................. 36 American Association for Jewish Evangelism ________________ 44 American Bible Society ____________________ ____ 43 American Sunday School Union ________ 33, 41 Babylon Rug Cleaners __________________________ 46 Baker Book House ............................................ 44 Baptista Films «_____ ............... ........................... 45 Bentley & Simon ...______ ...__...__....____________ 46 Bible Institute Hour ............. 46 Biola Book Room ___________________________ 4 Biola Correspondence School ............ 31 Biola Film Dept____________________________ Cover 2 Bob Jones University ___ _____ _______ Back cover Brown Schools ______ ______ ______________________ 45 Butlers Book Company ____ 37 Ceylon & India _______________ 46 Christ's Mission ___________________ ........______ 49 Christlife Magazine _______________ ______ Cover 3 Christian Association for the Blind ............... 45 Christian Poetry Digest ....... ........................... 50 Christian Publications .............. 38 Columbia Basin Mission ......... 45 Dr. H. C. Forsyth ..... .............................. 46 Goodenough & Woglom ...... 41 Gospel Herald ....... ________ _______ ...................... 4 Gospel Light Press .............. ........................ 4, 27 Gretzinger Tours __________________ 44 Home of Onesiphorus _____________ .1 ...... ....... 44 Gordon Hooker ____ 46 Instant Bible Index ............................................. 44 Light & Life Press ___________________ ____________ 44 Linda Vista _________ ...___________________________ 46 Little Giant Mfg. Co........................................... 46 Mitchell Mfg. Co. ____________ .-......................... 44 Morrison Record Laboratories ........................ 5 Mount Hermon ____________________________ _____ 40 National Church Goods Supply Company .... 31 Pas-Cal Vitamins ________ ____ __________________ 30 Pocket Testament League ........................ 30, 40 Preferred Risk Insurance Co.............................. 42 John Rudin __________________________ 40 Dr. W. La Vern Salter _____ ...L............ ......... 46 Scripture Press ______________ 45 Shelton College .... 49 C. Whitfield Sims ______ .,_______________________ 46 Simpson Bible Institute ..................................... 44 Sudbury Brass Goods ___ .’...___ __ i. ________....... 50 Sunday School Times ............ ........ ................. 36 System Bible Study ____________________ _________ 45 Story - O - Graph ........... .................................. 40 van Bergen Bellfoundries ....____....____________ 4 Van Kämpen Press _________________ ________ 5, 37 Fred Visser Films ____......__________________ 38, 41 Voice of the Andes ____ _____________ ____________ 32 Wayne Tracts ___________ ____ __________ _________36 Women's Christian Medical College ............... 45 Westmont College ______ 33 Zondervan Publishing Company ........ 4, 36, 50 BIG 4— 1st: MEMBERS, ALL AGES, WANTED. National Christian Club. 2nd: Salesmen, Sales­ ladies Wanted; 3rd: 50c Sale; Biblest Books, many items. 4th: 2 Large Free Film (16MM) Libraries! Which interests you? National Club, Box 268R2, Hopkins, Minnesota. OLD BIBLES REBOUND. A PRICE, BINDING and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Miss FINE WATCH REPAIRING: WRIST WATCHES $4.00; Pocket $4.50: Chronograph $10.00. Prices include cleaning and adjustment. One year guarantee. Send watches by insured mail. Oakley Jewelry Shop, 2312 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago 22, III. PULPIT COMMENTARY, 52 VOLU&E. VERY pood condition. Volume on last half o f Isaiah is missing. Price $35.00, postpaid. Arnold Riffel, 3925 Cedar Street, Del Paso Heights, Calif. ^ PROCESS EMBOSSED BUSINESS CARDS— PRO- fessional style. Thinplate stock. 1000, $3.95. 2000, $7.15. 5000, $16.75. Postpaid. STAND­ ARD SPECIALTIES, Box 4382-C, San Francisco.


Guidebook to Christian Teaching THE ART OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING B. Eavey

PREACH THE GOSPEL WITH SCRIPTURE Tracts. 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. 1C Allman, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. LITERARY AND SERMON HELPS Busy pastors promptly assisted with sermons, addresses, thesis work, to scholarly specifica­ tions. Ample research facilities and extensive experience over twenty-five years. Author's Research Bureau, 137 Cottage Street, Jersey City 6, N. J. RELIGIOUS LIBRARIES PURCHASED. BAKER Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michi­ gan. PROTECT YOUR MISSIONARY'S OR CHRIS- tian worker's health. Many return from field broken in health. Hi-potency vitamin-minerals shipped direct to them at wholesale prices by Christian agency. Write for information to: CHRISTIAN PROVIDERS, 3812 Arboleda St., Pasadena 8, Calif. EVANGELICAL AUDIO-VISUAL ASSOCIATION FILM LIBRARY Church Budget Plan (Know a year ahead how much your films will cost) $120 at $10 per mo. for churches under 400 members. Write for de­ tails. Joseph Calhoun Bl '23, 2342 E. 126th Street, Compton, Calif. NEwmark 1-9920, NEvada 6-5118. CASE WORKER WANTED—CHRISTIAN; PREF- erably Baptist. At least four quarters work in graduate school of social work. Case work with children in institutional setting. Apply directly to Superintendent, Children's Baptist Home, 7715 S. Victoria Ave., Inglewood 4, California. STENOGRAPHERS — THOUSANDS NEEDED now. Learn Triple speed NUABC Shorthand. Join Selfstudy Club, tarn Course. Capital City College (40tn Year), Washington 5, D.C. WANTED: FIVE HUNDRED NEW MEMBERS for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details Free. John Snyder, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. LENDING LIBRARY - BOOKS BY MAIL. WRITE for information and sample copy of Christian Reader's Review, Christian Reader's Library, Veedersburg/ Indiana. SCOFIELD BIBLE — COMPLETE LINE IN- cluding new loose-leaf edition. Write for litera­ ture. Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main, Hamburg, New York. CHRISTIAN LEADER: DOES YOUR CHURCH'S money always go around to every needful project? My Christian funds raising plan, ef­ fective ana dignified, gets results. It's not tithing, selling or pledging. A postal request brings you details. Rev. W. J. Griffith, 127 Elm, Imperial Beach, Calif. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial consid­ eration. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymon Iden (K. B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. MAIL OUT TRACTS. MANY ADDRESSES— Thousands never read the Bible. Encourage them to read. Special tracts free. Write K. Komarniski, 876 Boyce, Palo Alto, Calif. THOUSANDS OF OUT-OF-PRINT AND SCARCE theology now available. Free catalog. Libraries purchased. Kregel's Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Michigan. LUDWIG VIBRAHARP — 3 OCTAVE. E. H. Lindskoog, 1129 Orange Ave., Santo Ana, Colif. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSON AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N* Y. NETWORK RADIO STATION MANAGER IN- terested in employing highly capable announcer- technicians who are Christians. Write Biola, Bax 123. 50

A clear and lucid discussion of what it takes to teach ef­ fectively. A valuable aid to Sunday school teachers and Chris­ tian school teachers; an ideal text for Ch ri st i an colleges. Here is a book with wide usefulness and vast application.

$3.75 Available at all religious bookstores or Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids 2, Michigan CHRISTIAN POETRY DIGEST Serving Fundamental Christian Lovers of Poetry. Subscription price $3.00. Address: Christian Poetry Digest, 7853 Areola Avenue Sun Valley, California LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO 11 CALIFORNIA KROMEKOAT PLASTICRAFT PROCESS EM­ BOSSED business cards for the particular. $4.75, 1000. $8.75, 2000. $20.75, 5000. Postpaid. STANDARD SPECIALTIES, Box 4382B, San Francisco. CROSS CROCHETED BOOKMARKS, 2 FOR 30 cents. 8 for $1.00 cash. All colors. Mrs. Stymus, P. O. Box 654, San Bruno, Calif. MISSIONARY RECRUITS NEEDED NOW IN Canada and the United States. Free circular. Write Dr. William Swaan, Ruskin 1, British Columbia. BIBLES REBOUND IN ATTRACTIVE LEATHER covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S. W. Canyon Lane, Portland 1, Oregon. NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. COW- bells, Sleighbells, imported Concert Glasses, Triple Tone Harmony Bells, Chorded Clusters. Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana. JUNIOR MAGIC TRICK TALKS. ILLUSTRATE Gospel with self contained Surprise Climax Vis­ uals. Free Sample. Arnold Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana. FREE GOSPEL TRACTS, FREE-WILL OFFERINGS used in Lord's work. Wilson Gospel Tract Depot, 1032^2 Winchester Ave., Glendale 1, Calif.- THE KING'S BUSINESS

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