King's Business - 1953-05


Olbrtstlifp ¿Magazine

Independent, Undenominational, Fundamental

I L IK E the CH R IST L IFE MAGAZINE very much for its clear, outright testimony for our Savjour, and I especially appreciate the department, ‘The American Way.’ Oh, how we do need to seek out the old paths and to walk therein, as a nation and as individuals,” says an Arkansas subscriber. A busy pastor writes, “I do not want to miss a single copy of CH R IST L IFE MAGAZINE. I truly do appreciate the thought-pro­ voking articles and the inspiring and challenging messages.” Another subscriber writes, "I have been a subscriber to CH R IST L IFE MAGAZINE for several years. We do enjoy it so much. Year to year find in it spiritual food for richer Christian living." IN EVERY ISSUE A How To Do It, Department lor Christian workers. Other monthly de­ partments are The American Way, The Christlife Bible Readers' Club for boys and girls and Your Sunday School. Grace Notes, a new de­ partment edited by Mr. Gunnar Urang, concerning music in the Church. A Your Friendly Counsellor (Dr. Harold L. Lundquist), Your Shelf of Silent Friends (reviews of current Christian literature). Think on These Things (brief quotations) and Reader Reactions (Subscriber's letters) are regular features.

A And in addition you will find Educational articles. Evangelistic messages. Fiction, Y.P. and Devotional material. Poems, Church calendar. News of the Chris­ tian World, Missionary activities, etc.


W M # / price l yr. $l. Christians in every walk of life are glad to get. The Sunday School teacher finds helps which are avail­ able nowhere else, the preacher gets Ideas and substance for vital messages to his people, Christian workers find guidance and support in all their undertakings for the Master, the group leader gets help and usable material of inestimable value and the Bible lover and student rejoices in the opening up of the Word through all the departments of the magazine. Subscribe Now . . . 3 ISSUES FREE To new sub­ scribers only 15 issues for $1. Regular *ub. Digest size for convenient reading, 32 packed pages every month, a magazine that alert / 'S


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Above subscriptions earning free book premiums may be gift subscriptions to your friends or paid subscriptions which you have obtained from them. There is a blessing in this offer for both you and them. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY CHRISTLIFE MAGAZINE 1210 F I F TH AVE., MOLINE IL L IN O IS


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