Ryde Newsletter - Sep 2024


Local faith leaders from various traditions gathered for a consultation with hospital staff and the Chaplaincy Working Group. They were delighted to meet the new Chaplaincy Coordinator, Christopher Isika, and to find out how he is raising the profile of spiritual care at Ryde. They expressed a desire to strengthen chaplaincy long term. Faith leaders were also keen to support staff and patients, especially during the stress of the redevelopment. Spiritual care is an important part of pateint centred, holistic care for our patients. Ryde is dedicated to providing friendly, caring support to patients and their families throughout their stay in hospital. On request, a Minister, Priest, Rabbi, Muslim pastoral visitor or a representative of a patient's faith can be contacted. The clergy contact list is available on the intranet. THRIVE Program Leadership Development Congratulation to James Wighton, Andrew Wong and Harpreet Maggo Kapoor who successfully completed the THRIVE Leadership Program and received their certificates. James and Andrew were recent Physiotherapy Team Leaders at Ryde Hospital, who commenced the THRIVE Program while at Ryde. Harpreet is the Site Operations Manager at Ryde Hospital. They were all part of THRIVE Cohort 8 who completed the program and presented their wonderful leadership journeys to the Board For more information about the THRIVE program and other NSLHD leadership opportunities click here.


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