We are now more than halfway through the half term and our Year 7 students are settling in nicely. Chromebooks have been distributed and routines are becoming established. An important way of supporting your child's organisation skills is to encourage them to get their school bag and lanyard ready in the evening. This eliminates any last minute 'Where is my book' stress and helps students arrive at school in good time for registration at 8.35am. It has been pleasing to see the students getting involved in all the clubs and activities on offer. We strongly encourage students to get involved in our extracurricular programme. Clubs are a valuable way to meet new friends and add an extra dimension to the school day. An extensive list of the extracurricular clubs and activities can be found on your child's form Google Classroom. 7PIR are this week's trailblazers on the road to housepoint glory, gaining a hefty 83 points. They are closely followed by 7FFR with 68 points and 7SSH with 60 points. Thursday sees the year's first 'Drop Down Day' where the school timetable is suspended and Year 7 students will visit the cinema in Kingston followed by some time in the bowling alley. Details about this trip have been sent out already but students should wear school uniform, they do not need to bring a packed lunch as lunch is provided and they should bring some change to enable them to play on the games when they are not bowling. Students should bring a card that allows them to travel on the train. Student homework will be set on subject Google Classrooms. Please note that this should not be a source of stress /anxiety for your child and we expect our students to spend a maximum of 30 minutes on each piece of homework, even if this means it is unfinished. Please can I ask parents and carers to ensure that their children are not bringing any aerosol sprays or perfumes into school. Finally, please remember that we love to hear about the out of school achievements of our students. If your child has done something to shout about please do let us know so that we can extend the celebrations in school!
Year 7/8 Football vs Twickenham School
WON 5-2
Year 10/11 Rugby vs RTS
LOST 50-15
LOST 4-1
Year 7/8 Football vs Turing House
The weight of water by Sarah Crossan The weight of water is written in a poetic form of sparse verse and so it is a very quick and easy read but one that is absolutely teeming with heartache and beauty. It follows a young polish girl as she and her mother migrate to the UK in search of her father, she struggles with her school and home life and feels out of place and lonely. I loved how engrossing and impactful such few words could be and how the audience can see all the protagonists insecurities yet also how incredibly strong, intuitive and resilient she is through all the hardship she endures. It’s a touching coming of age story which explores feelings of alienation, first loves and perseverance. ~ Recommended by Marina M-B, Year 11 Student
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