King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Society for th e Advancement of Science set fo rth th a t no accepted theory in th e world of science contradicted the Bible, and th a t of more th a n two score objections made to th e Bible by science during th e past h alf century, n o t one any longer has th e support of scientists. The present controversy between th e Fundam entalists and th e Modernists is no t serious in comparison w ith many o th er conflicts of like character. The Modernists rep resen t a small percentage of th e church. They have only theories to offer and a t th e most m ere denials of doctrine. Re­ ligious creeds and practices have been affected by modern knowledge b u t th e fundam entals of th e Christian religion today rem ain unchanged. The same basic doctrines held by the Apostolic church have persisted and are as vital today as they were 2000 years ago.

was found of such a nation on any of th e monuments up to th a t tim e and th is was deemed sufficient cause to throw doubt on th e existence of th e H ittite people. Scores of like assertions of th e historians m ight be cited. F o r a tim e they w ent unchallenged b u t disappeared under th e ligh t of la ter archaeological research. Next came th e scientists. Their theories had often tro u ­ bled th e church. One set of scientists would- hard ly set fo rth th e ir reasons for declaring th a t th e Bible and science were a t variance th a n ano th er set would g et tog eth er and declare th e theories of th e first were all wrong. The declaration of many prom inent men of science re­ cently issued from W ashington to th e effect th a t science does no t contradict th e Bible is a rep etition of like sta te ­ ments issued in past years. A fter long research th e B ritish

a» m Ms The Baptist Bihle Union By T. T. Shields President Baptist Bible Union in America

tional expression; and, by making a loud noise itself, it endeavors to give the impression th a t it i s th e voice of the m ajority. By th is means it seeks to frigh ten into silence all who disagree w ith its assumptions. The B aptist Bible Union will make its appeal to th e peo­ ple themselves, to th e ran k and file of our B aptist Church members all over th is Continent, and will aim to afford th e people a means of expression. We are convinced th a t, when the people speak, th e Modernist grip upon th e official life of th e Benom ination will be broken and Modernism, so far as Baptists are concerned, will be u tterly routed. A Source of Inform ation The Union will endeavor also to give th e people th e fu llest inform ation respecting th e ravages of Modernism in all departm ents of our denom inational life,—-in schools, and churches, and mission fields, a t home and abroad. The Union will n o t speak on these m atters w ithou t accurate knowledge, and will so order its u tteran ces th a t when it speaks it will be heard. A t th e same tim e, th e Union will endeavor to obtain such inform ation as will enable it to reassure all B aptist churches and individuals respecting all educational in stitu tion s and m issionary organizations which are w orthy of th e support of those who desire th a t the money they give shall be used only for th e propagation of the tru th of th e Gospel. The Union will give no aid or com fort to th e enemy a t any time, We believe it to be as w rong to give money where it may be used for th e propagation of erro r as it would be by voice or pen to propagate erro r ourselves. Therefore, by resolution a t th e K ansas City meeting, the Bible Union decided to encourage its members absolutely to refuse longer to contribute money to any educational in ­ stitu tion or m issionary organization which refuses to avow its allegiance to th e fundam entals of th e faith. Basis of Fellowship The Union’s Confession of F a ith is designed to fu rn ish a basis of fellowship. Two cannot w alk together unless they be agreed. . Baptists have before adopted confessions of faith . I t is a m a tte r of history th a t in: th e experience of th e Christian church, from tim e to tim e, erro r h a s -th re a t­ ened the chu rch ’s integrity, and confessions of fa ith have been drawn as a means of-uniting those who held a common faith again st th e common foe. I t is in th is spirit, and for th is purpose, j th e Confession of F aith of -th e B aptist Bible

IHE B aptist Bible Union is w hat its nam e implies— 1 a union of Baptists who believe th e Bible to be ' the Word of God. The reason for its existence Ialso is implied in its name, There are people who are called B aptists Who do no t believe th e Bible to be the Word of God. The B aptist Bible Union is a fellowship of Baptists who are revelationists, as opposed to rationalists, who are T rin itarian s as opposed to U nitarians, who are creationists as opposed to evolutionists, who are expiation- ists as opposed both to rem edialists and to those who believe only in th e m oral influence of th e atonem ent, who are re- generationists as opposed to refo rm ation ists; in a word, it is a fellowship of believers in sup em atu ralism , as opposed to natu ralism , in religion. This Union is made up of those who believe th a t the Modernism which denies th e sup ern atu ral is an enemy of th e Christian religion. We believe th a t it has nothing in common w ith Christianity. We, therefore, propose to make no effort to agree w ith it. We refuse to compromise w ith it. We regard it as a foe which is to be fought wherever it appears. The B aptist Bible Union exists to defend “ the fa ith once for all delivered to th e saints,,” and believe th is can be done only by tak in g th e offensive and by declaring w ar on Modernism everywhere. We propose, however, to exercise th e u tm ost care to distinguish between friends and foes. We have enlisted in a g reat w ar in which many reg i­ ments, and, indeed, many arm ies w earing different uni­ forms, and answering to different names, will be engaged. The B aptist Bible Union will reg ard all who, on th e au th o r­ ity of th e Bible as th e inspired and infallible Word of God, recognize Christ as th e Saviour of men, th e Son of God, th e K ing of kings and Lord of lords, as its allies. We have a profound conviction th a t th e g reat m ajority of B aptists are tru e to the faith . We have observed Mod­ ernism like a plague invade many of our schools and lay many of our educational leaders low; w ith th e resu lt th a t many of our educational in stitu tion s have become centers of infection which th rea ten to co rrup t th e life of th e whole denom inational body. The Union will endeavor to put in operation some so rt of qu aran tine regulations which will w arn studen ts away from these plague spots, and will as far as possible have th e effect of isolating professional “ car­ riers.” Modernism endeavors to- establish itself in official positions, and to secure control of all organs of denom ina­

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