King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

W h at Follows T h at Day? The Day of th e Lord is not th e Dies Ira e, th e day of w rath which brings in th e end of all things, as believed in Christendom . The m anifestation of th e Lord will be in ­ deed “in flaming fire ta k in g vengeance on them th a t know no t God, and th a t obey no t th e Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.’’ (2 Thess. 1.) This, too, is th e revelation found in th e Old Testament, th a t H is day brings th e over­ throw of His enemies, when they are made th e footstool of His feet and all things are being made subject unto Him. But these judgm ents do not mean th e end of th e world, bu t th e end of th e present age, while His coming on th a t Day will m ark th e dawn of ano th er age, th e age of glory, th e age of peace on earth , th e age when righteousness reigns, th e age of th e kingdom. The Unity of th e Scriptures concerning th e blessings and th e glories of th e age to come is th e rich est of all. It would ta k e many pages to give even a small portion of it. We can mention only some of th e leading events which will follow th a t Day. But we add a number of Scriptures which may be studied in th e ir detail. The Lord Jesu s Christ will receive th e Kingdom. The prophets speak of th a t kingdom. They beheld th e Coming of th e King of R ighteousness and th e K ing of Peace. The Psalm s sing th e praises of th a t Kingdom and describe its universal character. (Psa. 72.) Isaiah cried out: “ Behold a King shall reign in righteousness,” ’ and again: “Thine eyes shall behold th e K ing in His beauty.” Jerem iah an ­ nounced it. “ Behold th e days come, saith th e Lord, th a t I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a K ing shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgm ent and justice in th e ea rth .” (Jer. 23:5.) Ezekiel tells us th a t there will be overtu rn ing times “ till He comes whose rig h t it is,?’ Daniel beheld Him coming in th e clouds of heaven to receive the kingdom. The m inor prophets speak of th e K ing, espe­ cially th e g reat post-exilic Zechariah. When He came th e first tim e He came as K ing; as such He was pre­ sented to Jerusalem and th e nation ; as such He was re­ jected. Daniel had heard it th a t Messiah should be cu t off and have nothing, th a t is, shall not receive th e kingdom to which He is entitled. But “in th at,D ay ” He will be crowned King, yea King of kings and Lord of lords. H is People Isra el w ill be g ath ered back an d th e ir l«x.rt resto red un to them and they to th e land. Every prophet

has a message on th is g rea t fu tu re event. Moses predicted it also. The Psalm s contain many songs of deliverance which redeemed Israel in th e fu tu re will sing, when th e ir n igh t of darkness and suffering is forever gone. Every­ where we read th a t these g reat resto ration prom ises cannot be realized till th e K ing comes back. Then Israel receives all her blessings and visible glory will once more dwell in th e ir m idst. This resto ration is also ta u g h t in th e very h eart of th e epistle to th e Romans (ch ap ter 11). The Nations a re b ro u g h t in to th e Kingdom . His glorious m anifestation will resu lt in th e conversion of th e world. While now individuals are born again, th en nation s will be born in a day. They will live togeth er in peace and happi­ ness. A fter th e K ing’s re tu rn “ in th a t day” w ars will be impossible for “He will speak peace unto th em ” an d “ th ere will be abundance of peace.” No league of nation program , no disarm am ent conferences, no peace pacts, w ill th e n be needed. Many nations will be joined unto th e Lord in th a t day. (Zech. 2.) 7 The physical e a rth w ill receive h e r g re a t blessing. The curse of sin will be removed. The th o rn s and th istles will be no more. Disease will vanish. D eath will only come in case of disobedience. Groaning creation will cease its groaning and “ th e wolf also shall dwell w ith the lamb, and th e leopard shall lie down w ith th e kid; and th e calf and th e young lion and th e fatling together and a little child shall lead th em .” { ls a .ll: 6.) The ea rth will have rest and peace. No more earthqu ak es will destroy cities, no more drou th s and frosts, storm s an d floods devastate th e fields sown by man, no more epidemics claim th e ir thou ­ sands and millions. But ta k e your Bible and read fo r your­ self. Deut. 30:1-8, 33:26-29; Psalm 46, Joel 2, Amos 9:15, Hosea 3, Isaiah 11:11-12, 14:1-2, 24:1-5, 32:13-19, 44:22- 23, 60-62; Jer. 30, Ezek. 34-48, Micah 7:18-20; Zeph. 3:14- 20, Zech. 2:12-14, Psalm 48:1-2, Psalm 72-89, 98-100, 110; Jer. 33:14-18. Blessed be God for th e Word of prophecy. The lamp which shineth in a dark place till th e Day dawns and th e Morning-star arises! D ark are th e days in which we live, bu t th e path w h ich 'w « hawe a s His people is “ as th e Dawn of ligh t which sh ineth more and more unto th a t perfect day.” Let th e lamp of prophecy show us th e way and teach us all to live in closest fellowship w ith Him, who in infinite grace- has made us p arta k ers of His Glory in th a t Day. er, to himself. The tru th th a t is in th e th ing is th e soul of it. T h at is th e kernel of th e nu t. Everything else is shell. Is th e new th in g a tru e th ing? Time was when every man in A thens specialized on th e question ,“ Is th ere anything new ?” The “Eye of Greece” was fran tically a le rt for something new. The old values were going into th e discard. But when th e sense of the old values died, A thens died, Greece died. The pomp and pride of th e ir “new day” broke like a bubble. H istory re­ peats failu res as well as successes, tragedies as well as trium phs. Cannot we of these new days get th e lesson from those men of th e old days? It is a singu lar and sta rtlin g tru th th a t A thens drifted from th e tru e when h er curiosity fo r th e new was a t its climax. H er hysterical eagerness for th e new th ing s made her forget th e tru e things. The Greeks forgot, as others before them had forgotten, and as others since them have forgotten, th a t new things may flirt in false forms. They

M U è m Old Fashioned Novelties

T h e Los A ngeles T im es of July 1 published th e follow ing editorial w hich c arrie s a m essage well w o rth b roadcasting. It is a p lea su re to recognize th e efforts of so m any se c u la r p a p ers to call th e c h u rch a n d th e p eople b ack to th e fo undation tru th s.

newest things we have today are rooted in the est. The youth of th e present has climbed to nence on the strong shoulders of th e past. > giant oak th a t laughs a t storm s today m ust

not forget its debt to yesterday.

Our new day must re­

member th a t it has inh erited old w ealth. The highest peak th a t catches th e first g lin t of tod ay ’s sunrise must th ink thank fu lly of yesterday’s hands of power which lifted it to its present place. We are having th e NEW DAY because we had th e OLD DAY. Is the new th ing a tru e thing? The wise man will put th a t question every day to his trac to r, to his telephone, to his phonograph, to his radio, to his flying machine, to his child’s teacher, to his doctor, to his tailo r, to his preach­

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