King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Wherever a community, a home, or a nation has made much of these salients of th e soul, F aith , Hope and Love— th e re peace has had h er victories and life its coronation. It is easy to see th a t every w orthy hum an activity and rela­ tionship must have perpetual contact w ith these perennial experiences of faith, hope and love. They are as indispen­ sable to human w elfare and happiness now in these new days as they were in the old days of Abraham and Sarah, Boaz, R u th and Naomi. They are everlastingly old- fashioned experiences, bu t they are as fresh and new as morning dew and as the new-fallen rain on th e meadows of May. Yes, fellow-traveler, th e sun in th e sky, th e g lin t of th e North Star, th e love boat and th e moonlight on th e river, the hollyhock a t the door and th e pink baby lips a t th e sweet b reast of love-—they are all very old-fashioned, b u t w ithout them all in th is new day our b righ test summ er skies would darken and the w orld’s music would hush on the lips of death. God be praised for th e eternally old- fashioned novelties of th e dawn and th e moon and th e tw i­ light, and love. NOW ABIDETH FAITH, HOPE, LOVE; BUT THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE. THE SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST The w inner of th e Scholarship Contest which has been on since Janu ary 1, of th is year, will be announced in th e November issue of The K ing’s Business. We are sorry th a t th e name cannot be announced in th is number, bu t as th e October number goes to press A ugust 1, and th e contest closes August 31, it is— of course— impos­ sible to do so. Whoever is th e fo rtun ate person (and from present in ­ dications it would seem likely th a t th e w inner would be a last y ea r’s student) we congratulate them , and app reciate as well th e efforts of every one who has tak en part. We are looking forw ard confidently to 100,000 subscribers in th e not far d istan t fu tu re, and will surely realize th a t vision if every member of The K ing’s Business fam ily will secure one other. Show your “K ing’s Business’’ to some friend who n eeds the help and inspiration they will surely receive from it, o r send us the name and we will gladly send them sample copy. Don’t forget th a t, beginning Ja n u ary 1, 1924, th e price of th e magazine will be increased to $1.25. Renewals or new subscriptions received a t th is tim e will have th e benefit of th e present price— $1.00 per year. PROPAGANDA IN PUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS ' The revelations of a New York City inspector of public school tex t books as propaganda of foreign ideals and u t­ terly un-American are only new proofs th a t C hristian citi­ zens must censor public school and college education if America is to survive. The enemies of Christian democracy are unscrupulous in methods. W hat a senseless outcry against Kentucky and M innesota legislation to prevent positive teaching of atheism in the public schools! Teach no such religion if the Christian religion is barred from th e State schools.— E astern Methodist.

forgot th a t, whatever th e form, w hether new or old, it is only tr u th th a t has abiding value. There is always something old about worth-while novel­ ties. S alt is as old as th e ages. B u t w h at would our g reat meat-packing houses do w ithout th is old th ing in th is new day. Every element of ligh t we have in th is new day is as old as the universe. We boast about our modern heating system. Thè furnace, or the gas fixtures, or th e stove may be new, b u t fire is as old as th e hills. All our train s, stree t cars, factories and automobiles would sud­ denly come to a dead stop if you took away from them one of th e oldest things in th e world, th e wheel. How many wonderful worlds are compassed by th e five senses. But these senses are very old-fashioned. Even Darwinism would consent th a t th e first finished man must have seen w ith his eyes, heard w ith his ears, ta ste d w ith his tongue, smelt w ith his nose and touched w ith his hands and feet . And th e la test findings of science leave us in th is new day a t these same five points of sensuous contact. W ith respect to these five senses th e sm artest new man stands in th e footprints of th e dullest old man of the world’s long, long yesterdays. How would th e new man and th e new woman of th is new day get along or carry on w ithout these old-fashioned five senses. Our m ental world is also fu ll of old-fashioned novelties. Marconi’s logical processes are identical w ith those of Ar­ istotle and Socrates. Some of our d ata may differ from some of theirs. But we move by th e same m ental pro­ cesses from prem ise to conclusion. The logical links fol­ low each other in th e same old order. The latest school­ boy th ink s th a t two times two are four exactly in th e same old-fashioned m athem atical way th a t Euclid and Kepler though t it. Our new day has some new mathem aticians, b u t it has the sam e . old mathem atics. The old day had Isaac Newton’s number. And th e gradu ate of th is latest season has th e same old Newtonian number. It is all very old-fashioned, b u t it is a fact. And th e fact is th e th ing we are after. Try out th is them e of old-fashioned novelties in th e won­ der world of man-soul. How much is th e re here th a t is new under th e sun. There are th re e g rea t things th a t give the City of Man-Soul its eminence. These g reat things are th e everlasting experiences of FAITH, HOPE, LOVE. These are the only keys to life’s temples of lasting satisfactions. These are th e th re e g reat fresh-w ater lakes of life. All others are stag n an t and scum-covered ponds breeding mi­ asma and death. W hat would th e modern world w ith all of its boasted brilliancy do w ithout these E verlastings of F aith , Hope and Love. Ask th e unansw ering dust of Babylon, Nineveh and th e world’s extinct republics. Ask modern m ilitaristic Ger­ many, hum iliated, em bittered and baffled. It is the same everlasting old tru th th a t who breaks w ith F aith , Hope, Love, breaks his own soul, be it a man or a nation. This is th e trip le foundation on which th e house of hum anity rests. It cannot stand on th e sands of th e merely new. It must re st on th e rock of th e eternally true. It is so in domesticity, in industry, in th e neighborhoods, in homes, in nationalism , in internationalism th a t th ing s will go to pieces w ithou t faith , hope and love. N either w ealth nor wisdom nor power can hold human h earts or hum an homes together. The centuries are strewn w ith th e w reckage of mere wisdom and w ealth and power. All th e golden harvests th a t have ever waved in th e sun have grown from th e sowings of faith and hope and love. He is a fool who sneers a t these fadeless stars. Could his foolish sneer efface them it would leave th e universe in the eternally un lit shadows.

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