King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


For Fellowship and Intercession

C i r c i R . H A L E

TK. Fami l y w.

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Tke Word, tke Foundation for Prayer “How Readest Thou?” Luke 10:26. “When Thou Hast Shut Thy Door, Pray.” Luke 6:6

October 19th— SPIRITUAL SEARCHLIGHT. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a ligh t unto my p ath .” Psa. 119:105. P ra y fo r th e WORLD’S FUNDAMENTAL ASSO­ CIATION. October 11th—RIGHT THINKING. “ I th o u g h t on my ways, : and tu rn ed my feet unto th y testim onies.”».,; Psa. 119:59. P ray fo r th e SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES. October 12th— SPIRITUAL FOOD. “He h ath given m eat unto them th a t fear him ; he will ever be m indful of his covenant.” Psa. 111:5. P ra y fo r th e CENTRAL AMERI­ CAN MISSIONS. October 13th—OVERCOMERS THROUGH HIM. “These things I have spoken unto you, th a t in me ye m ight have peace. In th e world ye shall have tribu lation : b u t be of good cheer; I have, overcome th e world.” . John 16:3.3.' P ray fo r th e FUNDAMENTAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. October 14th—WHO OWNS THE EARTH? “The ea rth is th e Lord’s, and th e fulness thereof; th e world, and they th a t dwell th e re in .” Psa. 24:1. P ra y fo r th e INTERNA­ TIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. October 15th—SPIRITUAL ENLARGEMENT OF THE HEART. “ I will ru n the way of thy commandments, when thou sh alt enlarge my h e a rt.” Psa. 119:32. P ray fo r th e AFRICA INLAND MISSION. October 16th—YOUR BANK AND BANKER. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19. P ra y fo r a WORLD REVIVAL. October 17th— GOD NOT THROUGH WITH US YET. “Being confident of th is very th ing , th a t he which h ath begun a good work in you will perform it un til th e day of Jesus Christ.” Phil. 1:6. P ra y fo r th e “WONDERFUL WORD” , published in New York. October 18th—A FINISHED WORK. “ I have glorified thee on th e earth : I have finished th e work which thou gavest me to do.” John 17:4. P ra y for th e NATIONAL BIBLE INSTITUTE in New York. October 19th—SPIRITUAL VISITING. “ For I long to see you, th a t I may im part unto you some sp iritu al gift, to th e end ye may be estab lish ed ;” Rom. 1:11. P ra y fo r DR. W . B. RILEY.

October 1st—SCRIPTURAL WEAPONS. “ (F o r the weapons of our w arfare are not carnal, b u t m ighty through God to th e pulling down of strong h o ld s :)” 2 Cor. 10:4. P ray fo r THE B IBLE INSTITUTE OP LOS ANGELES. October 2nd— IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR ME? “ Is anything too hard for th e Lord? At th e tim e appointed 1 will re tu rn unto thee, according to th e tim e of life, and S arah shall have a son.” Gen. 18:14. P ray fo r YOUR PASTOR. October 3rd—PRAISE. “Now th an k s be unto God, which always causeth us to trium ph in Christ, and m aketh mani­ fest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” 2 Cor. 2:14. P ra y fo r th e HUNAN BIBLE INSTITUTE. October 4 th—A SHORT CONFESSION. “And th a t every tongue should confess th a t Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God th e F ath e r.:’! P h il 2:11. P ra y fo r YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. October 5 th—IN HIS WILL. “ Not as though I had already attain ed , either were already perfect; b u t I follow after, if th a t I may apprehend th a t fo r which a'lso I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:12. P ra y fo r the CHINA INLAND MISSION, October 6 th—TRANSFORMED BY HIM. “And be not conformed to th is world; bu t be ye tran sfo rm ed by th e renewing of your mind, th a t ye may prove w hat is th a t good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Rom. 12:2. pray for th e MOODY B IBLE INSTITUTE. October 7 th—SPIRITUAL DROWSINESS. “And take heed to yourselves, lest a t any tim e your h earts be over­ charged w ith surfeiting, and drunkeness, and cares of th is life, and so th a t day come upon you unaw ares.” Luke 21:34. P ra y for th e CHRISTIAN LAYMEN OF OUR COUNTRY. October 8 th—SUCCESSFUL FISHERMEN. “And Jesus said unto them , Come ye afte r me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17. P ray fo r ALL SUN­ DAY SCHOOL TEACHERS. “And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time, saying, Arise, go unto Nineveh, th a t g reat city, and preach unto it th e preaching th a t I bid thee.” Jonah 3:1, 2. P ra y for “THE KING’S BUSINESS” of Los Angeles. October 9th—ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY.

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