King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Comments on the Christian Endeavor Topics By Rev. V. V. Morgan

(Note: In harmony w ith th e plan followed in the Sun­ day School lesson helps,— Comments on th e Endeavor topic for th e first Sunday in each m onth will he included in th e issue preceeding.) OCTOBER 14 Oct. 14. W hat My Denom ination is P lanning fo r the F u tu re.—Luke 4; 16— 21 This inform ation may be obtained from your pastor or your denom inational papers. The G reat Head of th e Church is th e Lord Jesus Christ and every denom ination should get its w orking orders from Him. We do no t know all th a t th e various denom inations are planning b u t every Christian should pray th a t th e plans may be God’s plans. So much of our failu re is due to planning “ in the flesh” and th en u tte rin g a feeble prayer for God’s blessing upon OUR idea of how God’s work should be done. May we learn to pray to God to show us HIS plans and then tru s t Him to give us th e sense, th e grace and th e power to carry them out. These references show us the mission of th e Lord Jesus and surely His mission is th e church’s mission. Lk. 4:16- 24; Lk. 19:10; I Tim. 1:15; T itus 2:14; I Pet. 2:21; Matt. 20:28; Mk. 10:45; John 3:17; John 17:18. OCTOBER 21 October 21. W hat is Christian Citizenship? Isa. 62:1-7. (Citizenship Day). The prosperity of a nation depends upon the spiritu ality of a nation. The best citizen is th e sp iritual citizen. The presence of Christian citizens in a land commands th e blessing of God upon th a t land. A lthough th e Christian is a citizen of heaven, (Phi. 3:20, 21, R. V.) and is a strang er h ere w ithou t a home, a pilgrim and so going home, (1 Pet. 2 :11) he still lives on earth and has a certain obligation to his country and should be the best citizen, under God, th a t it is possible to be. He should live, work, vote and pray as a good citizen of Heaven whose Court he represents and th u s he becomes the most useful citizen of his country. The following verses are im po rtan t: Rom. 13:1, 7; 1 Pet. 2:13-15; T itus 3:1, 2; 1 Tim. 2:1-3. OCTOBER 28 October 28. How Can We Answer Those Who Say th a t Prohibition does Not P rohibit? Hab. 2:1-14. Get statistics from police and cou rt records or from th e leading Prohibition periodicals. F acts are th e best a rg u ­

ments w ith which to meet th e many false statem en ts con­ cerning prohibition. F o r example, in the Chicago Bridewell there were 169 deaths from alcoholism in 1917 and in 1921 th ere was only one. The existence of sin is no excuse for no t doing right. We need to remember th a t th e b attle is not yet finished, the forces of evil are no t paralyzed. There is much con­ tem pt for the P rohibition Amendment and many flagrant violations of the law. The fight again st Satan and sin is a continual one, day and night, un til th e day when th e Lord Jesus will tak e th e scepter of righteousness and ru le over th e nations of th e earth. The Christian needs to recognize, first, th a t th e w arfare against the forces of sin is not again st th e m ind and muscle of men, b u t against Satan and all his hidden hosts of wickedness (Eph. 6 :1 2 ); and second, th a t th e weapons of the C hristian in the g reat fight are no t carnal. (2 Cor. 1 0 :4 ). We will not make much progress u n til we learn to w ar in God’s way. Prov. 23:29-35; Prov. 20:1; Isa. 28:7; 1 Cor. 6:10; Isa. 5:11. NOVEMBER 4 November 4. Lessons F rom th e Psalm s. The Church Psalm . Ps. 84:1-12. (Consecration Meeting.) The motto of Christian Endeavor is “ For Christ and th e Church.” The church needs th e life, vigor, streng th , vision and enthusiasm of th e consecrated young people. Many of th e Endeavorers are not supporting th e church as they ought. This Psalm tells something of th e blessedness of th e House of th e Lord. I t divides into th re e parts, 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, w ith a bendiction of blessing in each division, viz: 4, 5 and 12. Verse 2. The public worship of God and th e meeting w ith th e people of God is th e n atu ra l desire of every “born- again one.” Verse 4 is th e summary of th e preceding verses— the blessedness or joy of COMMUNION w ith th e Lord. To dwell in the house of the Lord is no t only to be present in a building bu t to have communion w ith Him for whom the building stands. Verse 5 sums up the next four verses. (Note th e R. V.) The resu lts of going to th e house of God— conversion of tears to joy, th e accession of streng th , th e appearance be­ fore G o d fjth e glorious goal. The joy of CONSECRATION. Verse 12 is th e summary of th e whole Psalm . The joy of CONFIDENCE. Heb. 10:25, Acts 1:14, Acts 3:1, Acts 3:42-47, John 2:17, Psa. 122:1.

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