King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


T h e C h i l d r e n ' s G a r d e n Sophia Shaw Meader

OUR MOTTO “ Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against thee.” (Psa. 119:11)

O ur g reetings we w ould like to send To young folks fa r a n d n e ar; B ut as som e live so fa r aw ay W e’ll h av e to w rite them here.

W e certain ly are glad to g reet The children of all clim es; A nd from th is page we hope to have Som e very h appy tim es.

W e’ll w ork and play w ith all o u r m ight A nd striv e ou r b est to do; A nd in it th ere will be a joy F o r u s as well as you. IVY GROSE


How many of you have ever seen a king? No doubt our little English cousins and also a number of children in o ther lands have seen one; b u t not many children in Amer­ ica have had th a t privilege, for our ru ler is called a presi­ dent. A long, long tim e ago, th e re were men called “ prophets” who could te ll w hat was going to happen in th e fu tu re. At th a t time, people did no t have th e Bible as we have it, so th a t God talk ed to men and women th rough th e prophets. They foretold many events and th e ir prohpecies were always fulfilled. So when they to ld th e people th a t a g rea t King was coming to be th e ir ru ler, all believed them . The king was coming as a dear little baby, they said. When He grew to manhood, He would teach th em and lead them into paths of peace and joy. Years passed, b u t th e king di£ no t appear. Many men and women grew weary of w atching for Him and finally, forgetting all about th e message of th e prophets, they became very wicked. But th ere were a few faith fu l, believing ones who con­ tinu ally looked fo r His advent. Among th is num ber was a beau tifu l young woman named Mary. One day while she was busy in her little cottage, a wonderful th ing happened. The room was suddenly filled w ith a g rea t ligh t and a heavenly messenger stood in h er presence, “Hail, thou a rt highly favored,” said th e angel. Mary was so sta rtled th a t she could n o t speak, b u t the angel quieted her fears by telling h er th a t she was to be the m other of th e little Lord Jesus who was to be th e Savior of th e world and its fu tu re king. A lthough Mary was to be His earth ly mother, th e angel said th a t God was to be his F ath er. W hat a wonder­ fu l honor to have a heavenly King fo r a F ath er. No wonder th a t Mary was filled w ith awe a t the marvelous tidings. She was so surprised and happy a t th e g reat honor th a t had been conferred upon h er th a t she sang a beau tifu l song of praise to h er heavenly F ath er. The words of th e song may be found in Luke 1:46-55. One beau tifu l sta rlig h t night, several months a fte r this, some shepherds were in th e fields w atching th e ir flock,


This page of The K ing’s Business is to be your very own from now on, and while th e “ grown-ups” are studying the Bible in th e ir own way, th e “ little-up s” w ill be finding out some of th e wonderful th ing s which grow in th e Garden of God’s Word. A t th e same time, you will have a chance to earn one of the te n prizes offered fo r th e best work. The first thing, then, is to read the “ Rules” on th e next page, get a blank book of th e proper size (th e “Rules” will tell you all about it) , and begin th e work for the first week. Look a t the H eart-G arden a t th e top of th is page, w ith th e Word of God hidden in it and th e branch of autum n leaves. You will see th a t every leaf has a Bible reference on it. The first week in October, pick th e first leaf a t th e left, — th a t is, comm it to memory th e verses, and be able to re ­ cite them , giving chapter and verse. Then pick a leaf every week in October un til all have been gathered. When all th e verses have been learned, get an autum n leaf from a rea l tree and on an un ru led page in your book, “The E arth ly Life of Jesus,” trace th e leaf and inside it w rite all th e references you have learned du ring th e month. At th e top of th e page w rite “Memory W ork,” and below w rite ou t in full Paslm 119:11 (giving chapter and verse). W rite— if you w ish—to me and tell me how you are en­ joying th e work. The best le tte r will be published. Your friend, SOPHIE SHAW MEADER, Box 1547, Pacific Ave., Long Beach, Calif.

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