King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China Dr. Frank A. Keller Superintendent

Summer Vacation Evangelism By E. Elizabeth Keller

is in charge of Tong Shan came in to see us and asked th a t the same women m ight come th e re du ring th e summer holidays, for said he: “The work of th e women is ju s t as good as th e work of th e men, and in some cases they can do more, for while they are talk ing to th e women th e men come and listen too, while if a man is visiting a home, in some places th e women will leave th e room .” > From Peh K ia Shan th e request also came th a t th e band of women who had worked, during th e w inter should be sent again for th e summer holidays, only they asked th a t a few more stud en ts should be sent as th e field was too large to be adequately worked by so small a number. When Miss Griwing came back from th is place she to ld us th a t th e mud on th e shoes of th e women students made a g reat im ­ pression on .th e people in th a t district. You see, it is like this: a t Chinese New Year tim e (F e b ru a ry ), th e re is a g reat deal of rain , and the streets, and particu larly th e country roads, are in a very bad condition. No one likes to go out, and unless th e re is something very u rg en t th e women do not go out, bu t these women students w ent ou t every day no m a tte r w hat th e w eather was like, and th e people m ar­ velled. “W hat is it,” they asked, “ th a t leads you to come

of th e things th a t most in terested me w hen I t came-, to China twenty-five years ago, was a ¡stion th a t I heard on th e stree t every tim e I it o u t.1 '“Where are you going?’’ was th e ques­

tion asked over and over again, and “Where a re you. go­ ing?.” would be my reply, a very polite- question, sometimes answered in th e conventional way by a sim ilar question in ­ stead of giving th e inform ation th a t seemed to be asked for. L ast Monday morning a t five, o’clock, as I looked o u t of my bedroom window, our campus was quite a sight. From every door could be seen stud en ts going out of th e dorm i­ tories, th e compound was ju s t alive w ith men and women, and “W here are they going?” would surely have been your question had you been standing by my side, so I am going to te ll you. F o u r bauds of men stud en ts, twelve in each band, were going out to different fields of labor, one to th e no rth , to th e field of th e F innish L u th eran Mission, one to th e south, to work in th e field of th e P resby terian Mission, one to Cen­ tra l Hunan, to work in th e field of th e China Inland Mis­ sion, one to th e west of Changsha, to work in th e field of th e Norwegian L u th eran Mission, ano th er one, w ith only six men, to work in th e country d istrict around Changsha— in all fifty-four men. Three bands of women studen ts leaving fo r th ree out- stations of the China Inland Mission, “Kwei To Shih,” “Peh K ia Shan” and “Tong Shan,” which are to be th e ir head­ qu arters; and from these places they are to work in the country districts surrounding them— in all twenty-two women. Think of it! Seventy-six men and women students, in addition to the men in th e reg u lar bands, out fo r Ju ly and August to preach th e unsearchable riches of Christ. Seventy-six L ights in th e m idst of heathen darkness. Please pray th a t these L ights may shine very brigh tly and th a t many may be led by them into th e glorious ligh t of th e Gospel. L ast w inter, during th e Chinese New Year holidays, when our students had a m onth’s vacation, they w ent out in sim ilar bands, and a t th e regu lar repo rt meetings on th e first S aturday n igh t a fte r th e ir re tu rn our h earts were greatly stirred as we listened to th e way God had opened doors and hearts, and th e blessed response to th e messages so faithfully delivered. ’ Oh, the joy and gladness on th e faces of th e students! I t was wonderful! It was our first experience in sending out women studen ts in groups and on account of th e Chinese custom of keeping women more or less secluded, we did. n o t-feel quite su re how it would work, so afte r they had been away a few days, Miss Griwing, a young lady who is giving, us tem porary help in th e school, w ent out on a to u r of inspection, and she came' back w ith a very happy h ea rt saying: “ It works well.” L ater, th e evangelist who


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