King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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I n t e r e s t i n g S t o r i e s f r o m R e a l E x p e r i e n c e

J tLV an g e llS tlC .Department

As told by Bible In stitu te Workers

Bible Women’s Work Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Supt. — Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to House Personal Work, Bible Classes, and Soul Winning Clubs.

H BOUT a year or more ago, a member of tb e Sunday school class became concerned for th e sp iritual welfare of a young m arried woman who worked in the same office. She did not know her home in her own home and led her to accept Christ. Three months ago, th e mother of th is young woman had to under­ go an operation, so th e w orker was asked if she would not visit th e mother in th e hospital. Because of th e serious condition of th e mother, th e members of th e fam ily were called, and so th e worker was introduced to an unm arried sister. R etu rn ing to town on th e same car, th e unm arried sister asked th e worker th e question, “Do you ever cry ?” She replied, “ Yes,” and opened a gospel of John a t th e 11th chapter and asked her if she would read th e story which tells th a t Jesus also wept. She looked up from her reading and said: “ I ’ve been looking into Christian Science and I couldn’t help noticing th e difference. When we asked a Scientist to go and see mother, she said she would have to have an automobile and th a t it would cost $2.00 fo r her visit. Moreover, she seemed afraid because th e w ard was under partial quaran tin e and said th a t she could no t do anything. You came on th e stree t car and, somehow, I couldn’t help th ink ing of th e difference.” The worker then asked her: “Do you know th e difference between a genuine dollar bill and a counterfeit one? A genuine one always has red silk th read s in it and a coun terfeit one has not. Ju st so w ith th e counterfeit religions of today— they have not the blood of Christ in them .” A fter fu rth e r ta lk regarding God’s plan of salvation, unm indful of th e crowds in the Pacific E lectric depot, she accepted Christ as her Saviour. Three hours later, th e w orker received word of th e death of her mother and in conversation w ith th e young woman, she said: “W hat would I have done if I had not taken the step th is afternoon ?” On reaching home she told ano ther sister of h er acceptance of th e Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour, and interview ing th is sister some tim e later, the worker was told th a t she also had accepted Christ as her Saviour from th e testimony of th is unm arried sister. Making The Way P lain Reading in Heb. 2:2, th a t th e Lord said: “W rite down th e vision, and m ake in PLAIN . . . . th a t he may run th a t readeth it,” and then la ter in an article in a paper, th a t th e Lord Jesus Christ used th e method of th e th ree E ’s in His soul-winning work— Expose sin, Exhibit Himself and Explain the way, th e w orker prayed to be used to make the way plain. Speaking to a sick girl in a hospital, she asked, “Are you a C h ristian ?” “No,” came th e response. “Wouldn’t you like to be?” “Yes,” a little wearily, came th e answer, “ bu t though many have asked me th a t question, no one has ever explained how to be one.” so th e worker

had the privilege of making the way plain and the joy of having th e sick one accept Jesus Christ as h er personal Saviour, “ the way, th e tru th and th e life.” A Day in A B ible Woman’s Life We have heard of a lady who would like to have a neigh­ borhood Bible Class in her home, and as we go out to ta lk m atters over, would be glad to take you along. We get th e car a t th e corner, and a fte r tak ing th ree cars, and a h o t dusty walk, find she is no t a t home. No, we could not tele­ phone— she has no phone. However, we will call in th e neighborhood, so begin going systematically from house to house. Some are responsive, some indifferent, b u t we are on th e K ing’s business, so must not fail in our task. Twelve o’clock comes, no t a propitious hour for calling, bu t we have no place to eat, no place to rest, and w ith a p ray e r for guidance, we go to ano ther street. In th e first house, a Christian woman comes to th e door, says she goes to church and Sunday school, bu t is so busy during th e week, has no tim e for Bible classes. Asking about th e next house, we find a relative of h ers lives there, who is so interested in welfare work, she will have no tim e for th e class. “Please do not go to ask h er,” she says. We wonder why, b u t obey. In th e next house, a well-dressed woman answers our ring, says she has no use fo r churches, or church members, they are all hypocrites; she lives by th e Golden Rule, th a t is good enough for her. In the next house a man answers th e door, bu t th ere is no woman th e re to come to th e class. A fter a little ta lk , we leave him w ith a Gospel of John, which he promises to read. We come now to the last house, where a g irl answers th e door. As we try to make ou r errand known, a voice from ano th er room says, “W hat so rt of a Bible class?” The girl says, “ Come in .” We enter, th e first invitation we have had fo r th e morning. We feel God has something for us here, and w ith th a n k fu l hearts, we give our invitation. How good our F a th e r is? He has been speaking to th is young woman, who g reets us so cordially, and she is ready for our message. Simply, and very definitely, she accepts th e Saviour. W rites h e r name in th e Gospel of John. Says she will tell h er husband of her decision, and afte r prayer together, we leave h er, happy in h er Lord. Ah no, we are no longer tire d o r hungry. We have been refreshed by the way from th e bountiful stores of our F ath er, so we go on, w ith a song in our hearts, to look up another location for a neighbor­ hood Bible class. Always Sure of R esults When we give out God’s Word we are always sure th a t th ere will be results, although it is possible th a t we may never see them . Sometimes we have th e joy of seeing immediate response as in the case of one man who accepted Christ as his Saviour the first tim e he came to th e class.

address, so she made a ch a rt indicating stree t and house' where she lived and mailed it to her teacher. This was handed to a worker, who got in touch w ith th e young woman

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