King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A t th e close he came to th e teacher saying, “ I do w an t a Saviour, I am such a sinner.” Before long he was saying, “ I have th e Saviour, I ’m a C h ristian !” A quick tra n s­ action, bu t real. Another man attend ing th e same class was th ree years

coming into the light. And when asked why he did not accept Christ sooner said, “ I was in darkness; I could .not see, bu t a t la st the way of salvation has become so plain, I have no excuses le ft.” He joyfully accepted God’s offer of shlvation, and entered into full assurance.

Second Annual Lyceum-Eteri Conference

“ I had the most wonderful tim e of my life, up until then, a t th e Conference last year for it was th ere I su rrend ered my life to the Lord, and th is has been such a happy year; bu t th e Conference this year seemed even more wonderful for I went w ith the Lord and was privileged to help some other girls as they made life decisions,” happily w itnessed one of our younger E te ri girls as we retu rn ed from the Second Annual-Lyceum -E teri Summer Conference held a t the Pacific Palisades Ju ly 2-8. Those were wonderful days for all w ith Bible Classes, Missionary talks etc. all morning; afternoons overflowing w ith good times w ith plenty of wholesome recreation and so many funny stun ts we have enough to laugh over for a whole year; then a precious devotional time o u t in the open among our ten ts a t the tw ilight hour and best of all, th e sweet times of communion w ith F ath er, as th e girls, Testam ents in hand, would steal off alone for a quiet time

or meet in groups a t the close of the day for prayer. I t was a most wonderful experience to walk down through the camp a t th a t hour and from one te n t h ear a song of praise being earnestly sung by girlish voices and from o ther dele­ gations, the voice of prayer, and to be stopped by some girl fighting a b attle and w anting someone to help h er pray th rough to a decision. All th rough the week decisions were being made, girls were born again, lives were su r­ rendered for service, victories were won, un til th e climax was reached in the closing meeting of th e Conference, when •girls came w ith shining faces and quiet determ ined purpose to offer themselves definitely for Christian service wher­ ever the Lord should send. Very few girls went home w ith­ out having made a full su rrend er of th eir lives to Him. The Conference is closed bu t the work goes on and dif­ feren t Clubs are w riting in th a t even those who could not go to th e Conference are catching the reflection of the blessing. to Los Angeles, where the husband came in contact w ith other Jew ish Christians. At first, fearing th a t over-zealous Christian friends m ight attem p t to force Christianity upon him, he rem ained on the defensive, bu t gradually relaxed as we did not seem to be in a h u rry to press th e claims of Christ. His prejudices were eventually so far overcome as to perm it him to attend one of our Jew ish-Christian meetings, which proved to be the tu rn in g point of his whole life. As he afterw ard s said, in referring to th e invitation th a t had been extended to Jews to accept Christ as th e ir Messiah and Saviour, “ It was all w orking in me, and I w anted to raise my hand rig h t th e n ,” b u t the though t of his old orthodox Jewish father, whose face he seemed to see, kep t him from openly acknowledging the inw ard conviction of his heart. From th a t moment on, he was in h ea rt a t least, a be­ liever in th e Lord Jesus Christ, b u t it was no t un til the n igh t of th e Jew ish Passover, when alone w ith his wife, and afte r talk ing w ith her about th e “Passover Lamb” th a t he acknowledged his acceptance of Jesus Christ.

Sfe m Work Among tke Jews m

James A . Vaus, Superintendent. — Bible Classes and Personal Work. Street Meetings and Semi-Monthly Mass Meetings for the Jews of Los Angeles

UT th ree years ago th e story of th e conversion a R abbi’s daugh ter was repo rted in th is column, my and varied were th e experiences through Lich she passed in th e months following her con­

version. Her husband, who previous to her conversion had been bu t a nom inal Jew, urged on by relatives, was induced to tak e two of th e ir older children and go back to Pennsyl­ vania, leaving his wife w ithou t funds and w ith a six months’ old baby to care for, his object being to induce her to for­ sake Christianity and to re tu rn to Judaism . God raised up friends for th e wife, and a g reat volume of prayer w ent up for th e re tu rn and conversion of th e husband. His antagonism to Christianity was increased by th e w ife’s refu sal to re tu rn to him, and many were the harsh, hard and b itter things said in le tte rs received from th is misguided man. Finally, afte r many weary months of heartache, th is fam ily was reunited. The first in terest and conviction manifested by th e hus­ band occurred on th e occasion of his meeting some Hebrew Christians for the first time. L ater th e fam ily moved back

Work in tke Skops Marion H. Reynolds, Supt. — Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car-Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles

them ; refusing to come to the meetings and sometimes even to speak to us. Does it do any good to m ingle w ith these men and try to help them ? Some would tell you it is useless, and some­ times th e w orkers are inclined to agree w ith them . But looking back on th e work we can sometimes see th a t th e

(^JE little realizes w hat influence may be wielded in Ith e service th a t he is called upon to render to men day by day. Ofttimes as we go into th e shops, some I of th e men act as though they never knew we are w ithin a hundred miles of them ,— they are cold, indifferent and seem to be most unappreciative of anything done for

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