King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


As we gripped his hand and to ld him how glad we were to see him, we w ere most happy to h ear him say: “My hope is still in Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour, and it will be th e re un til th e la st.” Before we left him th a t day he had asked us to be sure and sing th e “R ailroad Song” fo r him a t th e shops th e next tim e we w ent down, and to te ll the boys of his testimony. This is th e work th a t means a whoie lot among th e men in the shops and factories. Can we afford to go forw ard, tru s t­ ing God to bless even our unconscious influence for His glory? I believe we can. May God help us to do so is my prayer. P ray fo r us.

work done has had an influence even though it may not be app aren t a t th e time. This was well illu strate d in an experience th a t we had only yesterday. Stepping into a downtown store elevator, we were su r­ prised to h ear th e following words: “Hello, B rother Rey­ nolds, I am so glad to see you; I sure have never forgotten you, and I never w ill.” These words were fairly shouted a t us, and afte r recovering from our surprise we looked up into th e face of a man whom we had m et once a week for two years in one of th e shops. He had gone out when th e men w ent on a strik e la st year, and we h adn ’t seen him since th a t time.

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Spanish Work Robert H. Bender, Supt. — Gospel Meetings and House to House Work among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity.

th a t we should do so. Of course he became very angry and said he would see th a t we didn’t come again. Before we got away he brought a p riest who also was furious a t us and said a lot of th ing s unbecoming a gentlem an and w arned us against coming back. Notw ithstanding we have retu rn ed and held meetings w ith even b etter atten tion th a n before the in terrup tion of th e priest. To God be all th e glory! A t still ano th er camp while we were opening our baby organ, a group of boys called us P ro testan ts and to ld us they d idn ’t w ant our songs or ta lk and all ran away stick­ ing th e ir fingers in th e ir ears, yelling a t us and throw ing stones, old shoes and tin cans, evidently having been ta u g h t to do so in th e Catholic parochial schools. Why are we mentioning these things? Ju st to show you th e work of th a t system which is seeking to underm ine real tru e Americanism and Christianity. Would to God th e American people would be aroused to the menace th a t is in our m idst. U nfortunately, many of our unwise P ro testan ts are contributing to Catholic churches, convents and schools which in due tim e will tu rn around and damn them . “Awake thou th a t sleepest and He will give thee lig h t,” is our cry and for th is reason we beg of you to become in te r­ cessory m issionaries. We realize now more th a n ever tjie need of prayer, for th rough prayer God can b reak dôwn th e sp irit of superstition, convict of sin and give a sp irit of tru e repentance and faith in th e Lord Jesus Christ. We would be glad to correspond w ith any who are w illing to form an “Agonizing League.” So much praying is indefinite and we would like not some organization, b u t ra th e r some “ agonizers.” Before closing th is article, we would like to record a trium ph of th e Lord. For several months it has been our privilege to speak to a group of 75 men every week. Re­ cently we were led to ask for a decision, and, lifting up th e New Testament, asked how many believed th a t it was th e Word of God. Nearly all raised th e ir hands. Then we asked how many believed they were sinners and again most of them lifted th e ir hands. “Now,” we said, “ how many w ant to definitely receive Christ as your Saviour?” and we counted 36 hands. Then we asked them to all join w ith us in audible prayer, which they did. As we said “Amen,” th e w histle blew and as they w ent back to th e ir w ork they came and shook hands w ith us. P raise God for all th e opposition of Satan and th e trium ph s of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. B rethren, Cray for us.

“F o r we w restle n o t again st flesh and blood, b u t ag ain st principalities, ag ain st powers, ag ain st th e ru lers of th e darkness of th is world, ag ain st sp iritu al w ickedness in high places.” This Scripture represents th e sp iritu al foes of th e out- and-out Christian. They are th e real enemies to any prog­ ress in th e Christian life and service for th e Master. In the foreign field on the devil’s te rrito ry we were very con­ scious of these sp iritu al powers, bu t not un til recently were we so conscious of them in th is land of Bibles and Christian churches, bu t as the close of th is dispensation draws near th e enemy is on th e a lert to hinder all th a t he possibly can fo r he knows his tim e is short. In one of th e camps, while giving an object lesson to a large gathering, one of th e devil’s agents sought to in te r­ ru p t us by asking a question, bu t we to ld him to w ait un til we were through. Then a t th e close we asked him what his question was and answered it. Of course, he got angry and tried to cause a riot, b u t as we had finished our mes­ sage we quietly moved from th e camp. If we had argued w ith th e man no doubt we would have been mobbed. Two weeks later, we retu rn ed to th e camp and things were different. God evidently had been working in th e h earts of several men and we had a most atten tiv e and appreciative audience. As we closed and expected to deal w ith th e most interested ones, the devil again trie d to hinder. A boy came to us and said, “Did you have a Ford machine ou tsid e?” “Yes.” “W ell,” said he, “I saw th ree men ju st get in and ride away w ith it.” So we gathered tog ether our baby organ, chair and bag and w ent in quest of our stolen machine. God evidently used th is boy to be our watchman, fo r afte r w alking th ree blocks we found th e machine parked w ith one headlight glass missing. At ano th er colony where one of our volunteer helpers holds a meeting for children every Lord’s day, we had a meeting one week day afternoon a t an hour when the men were re tu rn in g from work so th a t we had a good crowd of men, women and children, and talk ed altern ately in English and in Spanish, for th e different hearers. But ju st as we closed and were abou t to leave an old man who lives in th e neighborhood, asked us if we were Catholics and we said “Yes, catholic evangelical.” “W ell,” said he, “these people are all Catholic and we don’t w ant you to come here.” We answered th a t th e people did w an t us to come back and

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