King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Biola Club of Pasadena Dr. Elwood P. Lyon, Supt. — Our center for Bible Classes, Evangelistic Services and Personal Work, in the heart of the City of Pasadena. A SAMPLE OF A DAY’S WORK

In th is way we are enabled to assist, or ra th e r train , them in the methods of the work. We have a young man whom we have train ed in th is way. He has now received per­ mission from th e city to hold stre e t meetings. While he was holding a meeting th e other day a man came out from th e crowd, gave him a kick, and said: “You good for no th ­ ing saint— come out here and fight.” The only reply the Christian w orker made was to say, “F riends, you see w hat they will do even in these days to a man who dares to read God’s Word on th e stre e t,” and he w ent on reading. The man who had abused him was very much afraid and w anted to square things up. He apologized and said, “I should not have done th a t,” and the ready answer was, “You w ouldn’t have done it if you knew th e Saviour; w hat you need is salvation.” “ But w h at can I do to get rig h t w ith you?” “The only way you can get rig h t w ith me is to get rig h t w ith th e Lord Jesus Christ. I have nothing against you.” “But can’t I tre a t you to a d rink of soda pop or any­ th in g ?” “No, I w ant you to get rig h t w ith th e Lord. W ait un til the meeting is over and I will have a ta lk w ith you.” The outcome of the whole th ing was th a t th e young man became so, interested th a t he says he is w illing to do anything to get rig h t w ith God and, if necessary, will go out on the street and preach. This is ju s t a little sample of w h at th e Lord can do w ith those who are w illing to endure hardship as soldiers of Jesus Christ. Jsj§ j|§ We are giving The K ing’s Business readers th e privi­ lege of looking into the face of Mr. J. P. Welles who, w ith his wife on August 18, left Los Angeles for Changsha, Hunan Province, China, where we have a Bible In stitu te th a t is recognized as one of the foremost in stitu tion s in th a t g reat land. Mr. Welles is th e Business Manager of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, and has served in th a t capacity for ten years. The hand of God has been manifested in th e choice of Mr. Welles for th is im po rtan t position. Our work is large and w ith th e varied departm ents— some sixteen in number— it is not a small m atter to a d ju st th e ir affairs so th a t all will function in a perfectly satisfactory and busi­ ness-like manner. Mr. Welles has accomplished th is difficult feat. While he is a devoted follower of our Lord Jesus Christ and staunch in th e defense of the faith, he has also a splendid repu tation among business men fo r his sound judgm ent and practical ability as an accountant. This is verified by the Annual R eport of the Certified Public Accountants to whom our books are subm itted for audit. Mr. and Mrs. Welles will have the pleasure of seeing at Changsha th e g reat work which God has used Dr. Keller to organize and promote, and will bring back to Us news which will enable us to give our many friends and helpers d ata which will intensify th e ir in terest and inspire us all to g reater service. We covet for these two good people the prayers of The K ing’s Business family.

A woman living in Canada picked up a copy of the K ing’s Business, and saw a repo rt of th e Biola Club a t Pasadena. She w rote us about th e possibility of h er coming to the United States. Mrs., Lyon made ■ some investigation and w rote to the lady a good Christian letter, as a resu lt of which she came to Pasadena. She in tu rn w rote to th ree young lady relatives in Saskatchewan, and they, too, came on a visit to Pasadena. All of them were very much in te r­ ested in Biola Club. On th e ir re tu rn to Canada, they per­ suaded th e entire family to come to th is country where they could get in touch w ith th e Bible In stitu te, two of th e young ladies being anxious to enroll as students. In a round-about-way, we are reaching a g reat many people. F o r instance, these two prospective students may reach a large number of people in Canada by d istribu ting The K ings’ Business and In stitu te literatu re. The o ther day an old lady came in and told us a pathetic story of how her children had succeeded in robbing her of all her possessions. She is still hoping th a t God will touch th e ir hearts. We had th e privilege of giving her a lunch and speaking words of com fort and she w ent away as happy as could be. As she left she told us she believed God had the m atter in hand and would look a fte r her. We send out w orkers w ith trac ts and Gospels and a fte r­ wards we ta lk w ith them and ask how they approach people.

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