King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Tke Coming Evangelistic Campaign in Los Angeles Which Will be Led by Evangelist Nicholson

round .’ And Mr. Nicholson believes th a t th e w ork is Only beginning in Ulster. Significant, too, was it to be told by Mr. Nicholson th a t all his preaching was based on th e inerrancy an d in fallib il­ ity of th e Word of God. The whole tr u th was proclaimed, from Genesis to Revelation, ‘and, glory to God, it does th e business.’ And th e very p arts of th e Book discredited by th e in tellectual g ian ts were th e p a rts th a t God seemed to honor most. * * * * * “Turning to other aspects of th e preaching honored by God, Mr. Nicholson rem arked th a t all th rough he empha­ sized the Deity of our Lord, salvation by faith on th e ground of grace, and the fact and th e sureness of hell. Be­ lieving in hell, he believes in w arning men and women of th e ir peril. ‘Are men and women going to hell? If we believe they are, in th e name of God le t us te ll them .’ “No attem p t has been made to summarize Mr. Nicholson’s address because no summary could do justice to an account so racy and so comprehensive. It was an address typical in every way of th e man. Humor blended w ith pathos, and while one moment laugh ter seized all present, the next, eyes were moist w ith tears. And th rough it all and over it all ran a deep strain of seriousness. ‘I would ra th e r be dead th an th a t God should cease to use m e,’ he exclaimed in w hat was practically his closing word; and one felt th a t while th is flaming evangelist uses unconventional methods, and sometimes u tte rs sharp and biting words, th a t he is in th e grip of a consum ing passion for God and fo r souls, and subordinates everything to th e g reat and holy ta sk of bringing sinners to th e Lord Jesus. And it is all to give glory to God. T h at phrase— glory to God—was often on-his lips during his address, and as Dr. Holden ob­ served in a final word, if those who had listened to him would remember nothing else they would no t forget th a t frequen t in terjection .” We are pleading w ith all our readers to p ray fo r God’s blessing upon th e proposed campaign in Los Angeles. Mr. Nicholson will begin in th e Bible In stitu e Auditorium on Sunday, September 2, and continue during th e month. We are planning to follow these meetings w ith a y ea r’s Taber­ nacle Campaign in th e various sections of Los Angeles where hundreds of thousands of people are w ithou t church privileges were they to desire them . If God sta rts a fire here, we expect it to resu lt in revival in o th er cities.

B ritish religious papers have been giving much ce to accounts of th e wonderful evangelistic •k carried on in Ireland during th e la st th ree rs, under th e leadership of our Irish evangelist,

Wm. P. Nicholson. I t gives us g reat pleasure, and our h earts rejoice in the privilege of giving to our readers a few facts which prove conclusively th a t God can still do th e seemingly impossible, th rough hum an lips, and verify His Word and th e power of God. Farew ell services for Mr. Nicholson, a t Belfast, held in th e afternoon and evening, were attended by thousands of people. A t the afternoon service, Mr. Nicholson insisted th a t th e offering should go to Bangor—his home town— for th e erection of an evangelistic hall. At th e evening meeting, th e evangelist was presented w ith an illum inated address, and Mrs. Nicholson was also remembered w ith a beau tifu l gift. Dr. John Pollock, w riting of some experiences during th e campaign, says: “ I have never known any other evangelist to arouse such a fury of g ratitu d e and affection in th e h earts of those whom he had been th e means of blessing. A t th e close of crowded and prolonged services he has often been com­ pelled to reso rt to unheard of expedients to escape the overwhelming ovation th a t awaited him outside. On one occasion the m u ltitude entirely held up th e traffic, and th e vista was filled w ith tram cars w aiting till his ‘two-seater’ could insinuate its way th rough th e solid mass of hum anity w ith which it was surrounded.’ The farewell service held in London was attended by a crowded house, w ith Dr. J. S tu art Holden presiding, and Dr. A. C. Dixon and others tak in g p art. The “Life of F aith ,” in repo rting the meeting, says: “As Mr. Nicholson described h is missions in th e various p arts of U lster, one could visualize th e changing scenes. In one d istrict of Belfast, ‘when preaching, you could hear th e bullets falling like hailstones on th e roof,’ b u t ‘in spite of the disturbance, God graciously worked.’ Of course, th ere was opposition. ‘You can never get a revival w ithout a rio t,’ said Mr. Nicholson, obviously speaking out of his own varied experience, ‘b u t you may g et a rio t w ithout a revival.’ It was cheering to h ear th a t although th e mis- sioner has left th e scene th e ‘work is breaking ou t all


Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today; He has no feet, but our feet, to lead men in His way, He has no tongue, but our tongue, to tell men how He died; He has no help, but our help, to bring them to His side. We are the only Bible, the careless world will read; We are the Sinner’s Gospel; We are the scoffer’s creed. We are the Lord’s last message, given in deed and word, What if the type be crooked? What if the print be blurred? What if our hands are busy with work that is not His ? What if our feet are walking where sin’s allurement is? What if our tongues are saying things, His lips would spurn? How can we hope to help Him, or hasten His return?


Moncton W. B., Canada

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