King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Him as th e ir Saviour, and th en He can care for them ju st a s He does for us. Jam es brought a new boy th is m o ilin g , so he is doing w hat Jesus w ants us all to do. Our memory v erse tells us how good God is to all th a t are His children. W e are not His children un til we have tak en Jesus as our

Saviour. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all th e days of my life.” The word mercy means loving kind" ness. (See Revised Version.) Love makes us kind, and when we love we ju st can no t help being kind. Closing prayer.


Golden Text: “ Look unto me and be ye saved, all the end s of the e a rth .” Isa. 45:22. LESSON TEXT Josh. 1:1-4; Isa. 2:2-4; 19:23-25; Ezek. 5 :5 ; Devotional R eading— Psa. 48:9-14. In tro d u c tio n : P alestine was th e geographical center of th e g lo b e ., The traffic of th e ancient world passed through th e land of Canaan. A g reat opportunity was thus created to magnify th e tru e God and lift up H is moral standard s before tile nations of th e earth . Had Israel only LESSON been tru e to h er calling th e Divine EXPOSITION purpose m ight have been fulfilled. Dr. F . W. F a rr ISRAEL AMONG THE NATIONS BUT APART FROM THEM. Josh. 1:1-4. God had said th a t th e people should dwell alone and n o t be reckoned among th e nations. Their power over the nation s should be in direct proportion to th eir aloofness from them . Lot had no testimony in Sodom because he lived there. Contam ination follows contact. The entire land of promise was-open before them bu t how much they should actually possess depended upon th e ir faith and cour­ age. On th e other side of Jo rdan , th e land was th eirs bu t th e crossing of th e Jo rd an gave them possession and enjoy­ ment. “Every_place th a t the sole of your foot shall tread upon th a t have I given unto you.” ISRAEL AMONG THE NATIONS OF THE FUTURE, Is. 2:2-4. This is a picture of th e age to come, when th e Abraham ic covenant will have a world-wide fulfilment. The king­ dom age of Israel follows th e second coming of Christ. I t will be ushered in by a work of purifying judgment, Isaiah 1:25-27, afte r which th e kingdom will become su­ preme. Jerusalem will be the center from which Divine power will go forth and be recognized as th e capital of Divine rule. This is the tim e when th e folly and fu tility of m ilitarism will be seen and th e nations shall learn w ar no more. ISRAEL THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL BLESSING TO THE NATIONS, Is. 19:23-25; Ezek. 5:5. It is usually said th a t the blessings of th e Old Covenant were tem poral and earth ly while those of th e New Covenant are eternal and heavenly. This is tru e b u t a t th e same tim e it must be adm itted th a t the blessings of the Gospel age are not exclusively sp iritu al since, godliness is profit­ able for th e life th a t now is. The blessings of th e Jewish age on th e other hand have a marked sp iritu al quality. The list of worthies mentioned in th e eleventh chapter o f Hebrews are all Old Testam ent characters. They are th e fru it of the covenant which they lived. In th e coming age while all m aterial blessings will abound, the sp iritu a l will predom inate. The same essential principles underlie both Old and New Covenants. Separation is th e key-note of both. Power over the world comes from

separation from th e world. As th e Bible is a world book, Israel will be a world people. W hat a glorious list of leaders Israel has given to the world from Abraham to Paul! P atriarch s, prophets, kings, poets, historians, philoso­ phers, statesm en, apostles and many others! Jonah is a type of the Jew. A lthough the Jew has been swallowed by nation afte r nation, he retain s identity and life. Assyria, Babylon and Rome have passed away. The Jew survives, having out-lived all conquerors and persecutors. Mono­ theism and th e Mosaic law are th e two powerful forces th a t have combined for th e ir preservation while o th er n a­ tions have decayed and perished. “By me thy days shall be multiplied and th e years of thy life shall be increased.” Jo shu a 1:1-4. V. 1. Now—Heb. “ and”— Brings this book in immediate connection w ith the P entateuch and th u s makes it a regu lar continuation of th e sacred, narrativ e begun and carried on by Moses.— George Bush. Joshua—Moses’ m in ister— In the COMMENTS sense of an immediate atten d an t, FROM THE one who waited upon his person and COMMENTARIES assisted him in business.— George H. G. Dean Bush. V. 2. The Lord spake— saying— Go over th is Jordan-—When it is considered th a t Joshua was n inety-three years old, nothing sho rt of th e divine as­ surance he now received could have sustained his courage in such an arduous position.— George Bush. Jo shu a’s courage therefore, was in proportion to his own response to th e revelation of God.—H arr. The land which I do give to— Israel—We a t once see th a t th e Israelites were not to en ter Canaan under the covenant which God made w ith Abraham . T hat covenant was for, an unconditional possession.— Berry. Vs._3-4. Every place— have I given un to you—Under Jo shu a’s leadership, th e condition of possession was “ every place th a t th e soul of your foot shall tread upon” and the extent of th e te rrito ry given them was much less th an under the Abraham ic covenant.— Berry. Deuteronomy 4 :5 , 6; 8:7-10. Vs. 5-6. I have ta u g h t you sta tu te s and judgm ents— Keep th erefo re and do them— Their wisdom and th e ir un­ derstanding were to consist in th e ir simply keeping and doing th e divine statu tes and judgm ents. It was no t by learned discussion or argum ents th a t th e ir wisdom was to be displayed, bu t by childlike, unquestioning obedience. All the wisdom was in the sta tu te s and judgm ents, no t in th eir thoughts and reasonings respecting them . The pro­ found and marvellous wisdom of God was seen in His Word, and th is was w hat th e nations were to see and adm ire.— C. H. Mackintosh. Vs. 7-8-9-10. F o r th e Lord th y Godi b rlug eth th ee into a good land— th en th o u sh a lt bless th e Lord th y God— These things are mentioned to show th e g reat difference between the w ilderness through which God had led them and the good land into which He was bringing them .— Matthew Henry. These things speak typically of our blessings, th e sp irit­ ual blessings^ w ith which we are blessed in Christ Jesus, to which we are fully entitled b u t which we can only enjoy if we walk in faith and obedience to His Word.—A. C. Gaebelein.

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