King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Cain said, “T h at punishm ent is awful, and some one will be sure to kill me when they find me.” Then God set a m ark on Cain, so no one would d are kill him , b u t all would know th a t he was a m urderer. Cain was th e first m urderer. God drove Cain from Him, and Cain never was forgiven, because he never repented, or asked for pardon from God, and God can not pardon unless we ask. Cain would not believe th a t God was going to send a Saviour, and would not believe th a t Saviour would die for him , or forgive his sin. He thought he could save himself. But th ere is only one way to be saved, and th a t is God’s way. God will not save any o th er way. Memory Verses: “Whosoever h ateth his b ro th er is a m u rd erer.” 1 John 3:15. “Believe on th e Lord Jesus Christ, and thou sh alt be saved.” Acts 16:31.

T R O 1 D



Golden Text: “And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the w aters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.” Genesis 9:16. Outline: (1 ) The F ru it of Sin. (2) The F act of th e Flood. (3 ) The F aith fu ln ess of God. (4) The F ailu re of Man. In troduction : This lesson covers six chapters. We are seeking to give an outline which will enable the teacher to cover the main lessons involved, tak ing it for granted th a t the scholars have been urged to read all th e chapters many times. Our lesson today covers the whole of th e second period (from Noah to A braham ), and th e lesson for next week comes under the th ird period (Abraham to Moses) in which period we have twelve lessons, which will afford ample time in which to completely memorize the outlines for th e first th ree periods. We have om itted from th is lesson an outline of Chapter 5, which contains an account of th e sp iritual fam ily tree, in which are given the first ten generations and th e ir duration. The first 4000 years of Bible history is divided into nearly four equal portions: Adam to Enoch’s tran sla­ tion— 987 years,^ Enoch to Abraham— 1020 y ears; Abra­ ham to Solomon— 981 years; Solomon to Christ— 1012 years. A picture of these six chapters from which the teacher may select the salien t points, is given In the outline below: (1) God’s P ictu re of a Sinful World, 6:1-4. (2 ) God’s Purpose in Judgm ent and Grace, 6:5-22. (3) God’s P lan for Man, 7. (4) God’s Prophecy Fulfilled and Power Realized, 8. (5) God’s Prom ise and Purpose for Noah and Fam ily Fulfilled, 9. (6) God’s Publication of Noah’s Posterity, 10. (7 ) God’s Punishm ent of the Babelites, 11. (1 ) THE FRUIT OF SIN, Ch. 6. We see in th is chapter the degeneracy of m an and th e determ ined purpose of God. The tendency of sin is always earthly, sensual, devilish. The fall of Adam and Eve resulted in th e possession by

man of an evil n atu re— a devilish natu re. There has never been any change in th a t natu re. The Bible story is the proof of this, and th e facts before us are a constant evi­ dence of it. The life of Adam was founded upon obedience. Dis­ obedience means a fo rfeitu re of life. Judgm ent for sin is as logical as seedtime and harvest. God must deal w ith violation of law. He always deals w ith the violation of n atu ra l laws, and He must deal w ith the violation of spiritual laws. Ju stice and mercy are two g reat tru th s. Mercy is founded upon justice. Isa. 3:10, 11: 8 n g § | ,.to„ t h * r ig h te o u s th a t It sh a ll b e w e ll w ith him ) to r th e y sh a ll e a t th e tr a it o f th e ir d o in g s. M S g lTT*," l h e w ic k e d 1 it sh a ll be 111 w ith h im ; fo r th e re ­ w a rd o f h is hand s sh a ll b e g iv e n u n to h im .” (Psa. 34:16, 17) God sees. (Gen. 6 :4 ) Nothing is hidden from H is eyes. God feels. Nothing is barred from His h eart. God acts. Nothing is too g reat for His power. Contrast God’s vision of things w ith m an ’s vision. (2) THE FACT OF THE BLOOD, Ch. 7. God’s Word is always verified by facts. The flood, which was prophesied, came. (Luke 1 7 :27 ). The surface of the earth proves it. Men fear to believe God’s predictions of the fu tu re, bu t we must preserve our faith . Our fath ers believed, and they were no t fools. Our scientific friends m ust lay th ie r plummets alongside of God’s Word (Matt. 24:38, 39) “F o r a s In th e d a y s th a t w e r e b efo re th e flo od , th e y w e re ea ting : an d drinking?, marr yin g: an d giv ing: in m a rria g e, u n til th e d ay th a t No ah en tered in to th e ar k , And k n ew n o t u n til th e floo d cam e, an d to o k th em a ll aw a y : so s h a ll a lso th e coming: o f th e Son o f m an be.” The prophecy in 2 Pet. 3:10 must come to pass: “B u t th e d ay o f th e Lo rd w ill com e a s a th ie f in th e n ig h t; in th e w h ic h th e h e a v e n s sh a ll p a ss aw a y w ith a g r e a t n o ise , an d th e e lem e n ts sh a ll m e lt w ith fe r v e n t h e a t, th e e a r th a lso and th e w o r k s th a t are th e r e in sh a ll be bu rn ed up .” (3) THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD, Chs. 8-10. “And God remembered Noah” (8 :1 ). “And God spake unto Noah * * * go fo rth ” (8:15, 16 ). “And Noah went fo rth ” (8 :1 8 ). “And Noah builded an a lta r unto the Lord” (8 :2 0 ). “And th e Lord smelled a sweet savour” ( 8 : 2 1 ). There is certainty, safety and enjoyment fo r Noah. He has only to tru st and obey God’s holy will and all w ill be well; and th a t is tru e for all of God’s children. “Having

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