King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

we have held to the original price, and shall continue to do so for all who renew before the end of December, after which it will be. advanced to $1.25 per year. We do not want to lose a single subscriber, but we do want every subscriber to secure for us one or more new subscribers. This will not be difficult for you to do, and it will mean everything to us. Do it now ! Sample copies will be mailed to any address desired. Read the editorial in this issue entitled “ A Solemn Warning” and then join us in earnest prayer and ef­ fort to save what we can N O W ! RELIGION OR ROMANCE

OUR NEW MAGAZINE After several months’ consideration, it has seemed wise to change the form of our magazine. We have anticipated that some of our good friends would pre­ fer that we retain the smaller size, but are fully per­ suaded that after they have looked this number through and sensed our purpose and desire, they will agree with us. We are adding some new departments which we trust will be of real value, especially the “ Comments on the Christian Endeavor Topics’:’ by Rev. V. V. Morgan; “ The Children’s Garden” a page especially for


the children, conducted by Sophie Shaw Mèader; “ The Family Circle” for prayer and intercession, by W. R. Hale. We are also favored with additional help in the Sunday School Department: Thè Exposition of the In­ ternational Series will be by Dr. Frederic W. Farr Pastor Calvary B a p t i s t Church, Los Angeles, who has with such acceptance given the Devotional Com*j ment. Rev. John A. Hub- b a r d, Superintendent of Men at the B. I. 0. L. A. will now write the Devo­ tional Comment, and “ Com­ ments from the Commentar­ ies” will be given by Mr. H. G. Dean, while Miss Mabel Merrill will continue her splendid helps for the elementary grades. In the Whole Bible Sun7 day School Lesson Course, the exposition of the lesson will be by. T. C. Horton, the ‘‘Comments from the Com­ mentaries” by Rev. V. V.

In the July issue of “ The Forum” Newell Dwight Hillis contributes an article under the caption “ Religion or Dogma” in which he pays a well-deserved tribute to Mr. Bryan, which we take great pleasure in giving to our readers. Dr. Hillis says: ; “F o r th irty years Mr. B ryan has been a kn igh t of th e new c h i v a l r y , un sheath ing his sword again st th e saloon, war, starvation wages, class privi­ leges, avarice an d greed; a sword, also, th a t has often flashed in defense of th e poor, th e w eak and th e despoiled of every race and land. His courage, his sincerity an d his l o y a l t y to conviction are known of all men. Some men have been tim id, b u t Mr. B ryan has never been afraid to espouse an unpopular cause. A lead er upon th e battlefields

Our NeW BusinessManager We are glad to introduce to our readers Mr. R. H. Richards who has come to our help in the Business De­ partment of The King’s Business, Mr. Richards has had a two-fold experience which eminently qualifies him for the work he has undertaken. For years he has been a practical Christian layman, living out a Chris­ tian life and helping his fellow men, and at the same time has been a suc­ cessful business man in positions which have demanded large ability. We rejoice in his decision to devote his whole time to The King’s Business and are sure our readers will be glad to take him on their hearts for prayer.

of reform , he has many victories to his credit. No m an of his generation has addressed so many m illions of people, and today, w ith unim paired streng th , h e is going u p and down th e land defending th e fa ith of th e “F und am en tal­ ists.” Even th e larg est halls in our towns are thronged w ith crowds anxious to listen once more to th e music of th e finest vocal in strum en t of our generation.” Space does not permit us to follow the long argu­ ment of Dr. Hillis against the doctrines for which Mr. Bryan contends, but most of our readers are aware that he takes his place with the:Modernists, lives in the study, is not well acquainted with men as they really are, nor with conditions as they exist,_for if he were thus conversant with men and conditions, be would certainly change his views,' descend from the

Morgan, and the Elementary lessons by Kate _H. Haus. Our desire is to make it a real Family Bible Magazine which will carry something of interest and help for every one in the family. We have published the magazine at a financial loss, hut have recognized it as one of the agencies com­ mitted to us through which we have been able to min­ ister fo thousands of hungry-hearted people, including many pastors and missionaries, helping to stimulate their faith, intensify their love and increase their de­ votion in the service committed to them by the Lord. Many pastors have testified to its value in their own lives and its help to their flock, and we have therefore considered it a good investment for our Master1. Other magazines have advanced their prices but


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