King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K l N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


castigates him self for his previous denial of th e precepts of the Christian faith are almost soul-shriveling. “The Apache of culture, th e thug of philosophy, th e blackguard of jou rn alists and th e Barabbas of a r t” are a few of the names he applies to himself. But th e chief m erit of the book is his clear exposition of his reasons fo r accepting religion and th e proofs he offers of its tru th . Many g reat men have been ath eists and of these some have la ter been converted to a belief in God or some di­ vine principle. The reason these have offered is a sense of m an’s impotence in crisis and a necessity of some sup­ po rt outside him self. This sentim ent was voiced most forcibly by Abraham Lincoln, whose faith had never wav­ ered, in these words, “ I have been driven many times to my knees by th e overwhelming conviction th a t I had no­ where else to go. My own wisdom, and th a t of all about me, seemed insufficient for th e day.”— L , A. Times. THIS AGE AND THE GOSPEL This is a scientific age. Even so. It is an age of nega­ tion, of déniais, of reconstructions and explanations th a t evaporate faith and reduce ancient beliefs to shadows. Quite tru e. But is our age quite su re of itself? Is it h o t also tru e th a t in the splendor of the ligh t th a t breaks fo rth from our laboratories and museums and the heavy tones of criticism, th ere possibly may be some glint of over confidence, begetting hère and th e re something like self-esteem, something th a t is scarcely of necessity either depth of intellect or bread th of charity. Is th is age of science an age of faith? W ill faith come back to earth? Is there not in every deed some wee b it touch of Pharisee- ism abroad in th is wonderful age? Some liberalism th a t now and then becomes in essence illiberal? Perish the though t th a t any who have d rank a wee b it from th e wells more or less deep of modern liberalism should become even a little furious if others whose studies have no t led them to the identical resu lts the liberals have reached, beg and implore th a t th e liberals will w ithou t sarcasm extend to them somewhat of th e liberty of though t they have ap­ propriated to themselves.— C entral Christian Advocate. SPIRITUAL AND MORAL REACTION There is much discussion abnut sp iritu al and moral re­ action. If a youth falls into unbelief and immorality, we are told he was reared too strictly, and th is fall is b u t the n atu ra l reaction. The Word of God says: “ B ring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not d ep art from it.” But th e modernists say: “ Bring him up in th e way he would go and he will react to v irtu e.” According to this, if a p aren t tra in up a child to be strictly clean, honest and human, he will become a cheat, libertine and m urderer. If he is allowed a t first to go into immoral­ ity, he will react to rectitude. This theory is modern naturalism . I t attem p ts to apply physical laws to sp iritu al and moral life. It is contrary to experience, histo ry and the teachings of Christ. Moral and sp iritual decay is charged by Christ and the Scriptures to false teachers and sinful influence, which are righteously condemned.—The Presbyterian. AN AWFUL SITUATION The suicide of children is a m a tte r p articu larly dis­ tressing, and a most serious problem, to be carefully con­ sidered. In 1920 th ere were 707. In 1921 th e number had increased to 858. In 1922 th ere were over 900, or nearly 3,000 in four years. The average age of boy suicides is sixteen; girls, fifteen. Most girls use poison; th e boys use a gun. When five school-girls in four days commit suicide it is tim e th e public asked the reason why. The conclusion reached probably will be th a t they were tem ­ peram entally disordered, or home conditions were in to ler­ able, or th a t the school system was a t fault. All th ree are the chief causes for child suicide. Child m arriage is ano ther serious cause. In 1920 th ere were 1,600 boys and 12,000 girls fifteen years of age in the United States listed as m arried, and nearly 500 of them were recorded as widowed or divorced. The m arried boys of sixteen numbered 3,222. Those of seventeen numbered 7,960; those of eighteen 24,644. Girls who had m arried a t sixteen numbered 41,620, a t seventeen 90,930, and those a t eighteen 186,645. Many of these xh ild ren soon after m arriage find th a t they have made a g reat m istake in th ie r choice, quarrel, separate, get divorced and supply many of our suicides as well as homicides. P aren ts and teachers should educate children to avoid emotional excesses, to meet bravely th e unpleasant things of life.—The L iterary D igest." ..........■

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