King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

A TRANSFORMATION Rev. Oliver M. F letcher, th e General Secretary of th e Africa Inland Mission, sends a tran slation of a le tte r recently received from Paulo Wamba, a converted native African king, which we are giving to our readers as a te sti­ mony to th e w onderful tran sfo rm ing power of th e Spirit of God in th e hum an heart.. The m issionary who sends th is le tte r to Mr. F letcher says: “ Since his conversion, Wamba has continued to grow in grace and knowledge, and la st year sent 100 rupees as a th a n k offering. On New Y ear’s Day he sent fifty baskets of grain in remembrance of what God had given him th rough th e year. Though the le tte r is ra th e r long, I believe God will use it to encourage believers to continue in prayer for th e sowing of th e Word in these d ark places of th e e a rth .” I beseech you to let me tell you a few words. For many days I was in distress, seeking to save my life. And this life th a t I was seeking for led me into many of th e things of th e earth. I sought it from our w itch doctors; from th e spirits of goats and sheep and cattle; from the spirits of my ancestors; from charm s, from trum pets, from the entrails of chickens; from all the learning of our leaders. I spent very, very much of my substance seeking for life; bu t it b rough t me no peace or rest. My h ea rt was only m ultiplied in its fear of death. I sought w ith much streng th the path of life and rest, h u t I did not find it. One day I went to visit a t th e Government Post, and met your m issionary, Teacher W. J. Maynard, there. He invited me to visit his home, b u t I saw only hard work in such a visit, and I declined. Another day, afte r th a t, he sent me two loads of cassava, and I remembered my promise to visit his home, h u t my h ea rt did no t w ant to go th ere a bit, because I knew th a t he w anted to ta lk to me about th e words of God, and I did not w an t to h ear those words, no not even a little bit. In those days, if a man trie d to tell me th e words of God, I deafened my ears un til He stopped talking. Also I h ad very g reat w ra th tow ards all who preached th e words of God, and tried hard to do them evil. I rem ained th is way for many days. One day I woke early, to consider w h at to do, because some teachers had come into my d istrict to tell those words to my people. I though t to make them afraid by in stru cting some of my people to come to me and accuse th e teachers of telling them to rebel against th e ir rulers. They did th is; th en I went to th e Government to have th e teachers driven from my country. When I reached the door of th e Boma my h ea rt failed me; I remembered many things. I went home, and though t of my prom ise to visit Teacher W. J. Maynard. Next day I went to his house and found th a t they were having a service in th e church. I w ent in and listened to th e words of God. At first it was like a man w aking from sleep. My h eart jumped and ran as I listened! th en it was as though I was feeling glad to be hearing such words; and from then I began to listen and to understand. When we left th e church, he (the m issionary) took me to his house and talked to me w ith understanding, about all th e ways in which my ancestors had sought salvation through th e things of th e world. And th is was w h at I, too, had been doing. When I reached my home I decided to te st the tru th of his words. I made medicine of w itchcraft and put it over my door. I w anted to see if th e words of my ancestors were true. Next day I called my councillors and sub-chiefs and witch doctors, and told them to divine and te ll me who had made medicine and trie d to bewitch my house. T ran slation of Wamba’s Iietter To my breth ren , beloved in Jesus our Redeemer:

“Best” Books on the Sunday School Teachers and officers of Adult Classes will find here the books that will give them a new vision and enable them to bring their classes up to the proper standard of efficiency.

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B I OL A B OOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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