King's Business - 1923-10

T H É K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


world ship is caught in th e Gulf S tream of God’s P rov i­ dence, and is going on tow ard a more genial climate and a glorious harbo r. No m an is strong enough to tu rn th e ship from its course, and w hether th e pessim ist w ants to o r not, he is compelled by gravity an d God to go on tow ard th e ideal commonwealth and th e Golden Age, fo r th e re is an unseen P ilo t on th e deck who steers by th e stars— and th e goal is God!” No doubt Dr. Hillis means well. It all sounds won- drously, marvellously poetic,—but his words are as

fleecy clouds, bring his aeroplane to earth and sense the heart throbs of a dying race. Just a few sentences will reveal his views: “Then th e old views fled away, as bats and owls and creatu res of th e n igh t flee when th e sun stands upon th e horizon. God ceased to be a “ consum ing fire.” God was no longer a bundle of th u n d e r bolts, a sheaf of tornadoes. The th rone of iron—ju stice and penalty— softened! Jesus revealed God as th e g rea t burden-bearer, th e Mighty Ma­ je stic H eart, pulsating life th roughou t th e universe. Going

meaningless as words could possibly be. He is not in any sense de­ scribing conditions as they exist today. Gov­ ernments have not be­ come just; much mod­ ern music . instead of being a “ chariot of sweet song” is a dis­ cord of horrible jazz; read the popular maga­ zines and books and then decide for your­ self whether ‘‘litera­ ture is running every­ whither telling H is sweet s t o r y g o l d may have “ become splen­ did” as Dr. Hillis as­ serts, but certainly only a small portion of it finds its way into the coffers of the churches, and a smaller portion still is g i v e n for preaching the Gospel to the unsaved. Dr. Hillis is a typical Twentieth C e n t u r y prophet, with eyes fast closed to the real fkcts, as revealed in the secu­ lar newspapers and magazines. Contrast the peaceful picture he por­ trays with that given in 2 Tim. 3 :l-5: “This know also, th a t in th e la st days perilous times sh all come. F o r men shall be lovers of th e ir own selves, covetous, boast­ ers, proud, blasphemers,

to God fo r w e a r y , troubled men, was like birds going tow ard th e oasis, w ith fountains and fru its. W h at Jesus was for a b rief tim e in P ales­ tine, He said H is F a th e r was in all ages and worlds. W hat He said on th e Cross, “Forgive them fo r they know no t w hat they do,” God was always saying every­ where.” Was be? Well, then, why did Jesus say in Luke 16:23: “ In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments,” and again in v. 31: “ If they hear not Moses and the p r o p h e t s neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead,” and why did He say in John 3 :36 “He th a t believeth on the Son h a th everlasting life; and he th a t believ­ eth no t th e Son shall no t see life; b u t th e w ra th of God abideth on him .” Again, Dr. Hillis says: “He (Jesus) touched childhood, and children became like un to th e an ­ gels of God. He touched laws, and they became hum ane; governments, and they became ju st; marble, and it became warm ; music, and it be­ came a chario t of sweet song, an upw ard rising prayer. He has touched

The cartoon carries a true and much-needed lesson. The hand—not the head-S-is in evidence. It may be that of a preacher or it may be a teacher. You see the hand,—but back of the hand is the head, and back of the head (were your spiritual eyes open) you would see the form of the fiend who invented the first lie concerning God’s Word, and who is the author of every lie ever breathed by human lips or penned by human hand denying the validity of the Bible. Look out for him, for he is a foxy foe and plays a loaded dice.

disobedient to parents, un th ank fu l, unholy. W ithou t n a tu ra l affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those th a t are good, T raito rs, heady, high-m inded, lovers of pleasures more th a n lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, b u t denying th e power th e re ­ of; from such tu rn away.” A SOLEMN W A G ING M A Weekly News Letter, published by a group of business men in California, carrying the title, “ Better

gold, and it has become splendid. Today, pain ting in terp rets His beauty, arch itectu re builds houses fo r H is worship, money has become th e almoner of bounty tow ard th e poor and th e weak; lite ra tu re is runn ing everywhither telling His story; eloquence has dedicated itself to th e new Orpheus, whose music is indeed world music, and whose symphony is fo r all races, and ages, and worlds. * * * * Nor is th e re any room le ft for pessimism. A discouraged m an may fall from th e M auretania; it is no t a large ship b u t God’s e a rth is a big ship, 7000 m iles in diam eter. The pessim ist cannot fall off th a t ship, gravity will n o t le t him . Today, th e

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