King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

For two days they killed chickens, and read th e signs; then they called me and said they had found th e man. My older b ro th er had fixed th a t medicine to bew itch my house, and kill me, in order th a t he m ight seize th e king­ dom for himself. I knew then th a t th e ir words were idle ones, and th ere was no rest for me in th e ir practices. From th e tim e I first believed in Jesus as my Master, I have had re st from these words of my ancestors. I have very g reat love and rejoicing in my heart. Now th e re is no fear of death w ith me, because I ¡have a hiding place; my hiding place is in Jesus, and th e re is nothing th a t can remove me from Him. I am w aiting w ith g reat joy, for His coming to ta k e me w ith Him, and to give me th a t crown of rejoicing th a t will last th rough all my days. I praise God for th e grace th a t redeemed me, w ith the blood of His Son. I was a th ing of corruption and offense before Him; bu t now I am washed and am acceptable in His sight. I have sorrow th a t I have nothing more to give Him, bu t I have given Him all my h eart, and all th a t I possess I count as His in my stewardship. I w ant to be ru led by Him all my days. I am your child, PAULO WAMBA, K ing of Shinyanga. Note: It will be cheering to know th a t one of W amba’s brothers and a son of one of his form er slaves were baptized here on Janu ary 7, 1923, while ano ther younger b ro th er is a candidate for baptism ; and only last month his wife, the d aughter of b itter Mohammedans, declared h er desire to know and follow W amba’s God. This of course will result in her being outcast by h er people. P ray fo r her. W. J. M. GOD CA R E S ! DO W E ? Fo rg et not th a t your first and principal business as a disciple of Christ is to give the Gospel to those who have it not. He who is not, a m issionary Christian will be a missing Christian when the g reat day comes of bestowing the rewards of service. Therefore ask yourselves daily what the Lord would have you do in connection w ith the work of carrying the news of salvation to the perishing millions. Search carefully whether he would have you go yourself to the heathen, if you have th e youth and; fitness required for the work. Or, if you cannot go in person, in­ quire diligently w hat blood mortgage th ere is upon your property in the in terest of Foreign Missions, how much you owe, to the heathen because of w hat you owe to Christ for redeem ing you w ith His precious blood. I w arn you th a t it will go hard w ith you when your Lord comes to reckon w ith you, if He finds your wealth hoarded up in needless accumulations instead of being sacredly devoted to giving th e Gospel to the lost. Dr. A. J. Gordon. HAVE YOU READ THE STATEMENT OF DOCTRINE CONTAINED IN THE DEED TO THE PROPERTY OF THE B. I. O. L. A.? See Outside Back Cover

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B I Q L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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